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Neurochemistry includes the study of neurochemicals influencing the function of neurons and forming the network of neural operation. Neurochemistry is that the study of chemicals, as well as neurotransmitters and alternative molecules like psychopharmaceuticals and neuropeptides that management and influences the physiology of the system. This field among neurobiology examines however neurochemicals influence the operation of neurons, synapses, and neural networks. Neurochemists analyze the organic chemistry and biology of organic compounds within the system, and their roles in such neural processes as well as animal tissue malleability, ontogeny, and neural differentiation.

Molecular Neuro science observes concepts in molecular biology applied to the nervous systems of animals:

Molecular Neuroanatomy Mechanisms of molecular neurosignalling Effects of genetics on neuronal development Molecular basis for neuroplasticity and neurodegenerative diseases.

Neuroanatomy includes 4 main components:

Brain Neurons  - Cell body – Metabolism, Photosynthesis,

                                   Dendrites – receives input from other neurons and

                                   Axon – a branching fiber that carries the message from the cell to other neurons.

Synapse – When an axon of presynaptic cell connects with the dendrites of post synaptic cells communication takes place between two neurons. A synapse can be Excitatory or Inhibitory Neuroglia

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Relevant Topics in Genetics & Molecular Biology
