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Nuclear Medicine

Nuclear medicine is a sub-specialty in which a low-dose radiation isotope is administered to the patient and is observed by a gamma camera to show biochemical and biological processes in the body. Nuclear medicine frequently involves Positron Emission Tomography ( PET), an objective imaging technique that is sometimes utilized as a method for diagnosing , treating and tracking cancer. Innovations are new ideas, apparatus or process. Innovations are the implementation of innovative approaches that meet existing conditions, inarticulate needs or current business needs. This is successful by rendering increasingly efficient goods, procedures, programs, innovations or innovative concepts readily accessible to consumers, policymakers and community.

Nuclear medicine is a medical division concerned with the use of radiation to detect and cure an infection. It is healthy, non-invasive and less costly, and is also used before signs begin to diagnose disease. Nuclear radiation is commonly used to cure several forms of tumors with minor adverse effects such as respiratory reactions, irritation and redness, etc. New methods such as positron emission tomography ( PET), single photon emission computed tomography ( SPECT), medical imaging are numerous styles of nuclear medicine. Review papers are summaries of the existing state of knowledge about a specific topic of study.

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Relevant Topics in Neuroscience & Psychology

Google Scholar citation report
Citations : 87

Journal of Neurology and Clinical Neuroscience received 87 citations as per Google Scholar report

Journal of Neurology and Clinical Neuroscience peer review process verified at publons