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Synbiotics refer to food additives or nutritional supplements that incorporate probiotics and prebiotics in a synergistic way, hence synbiotics. The synbiotic definition was first presented as "probiotic and prebiotic mixtures that have beneficial effects on the host by enhancing the survival and implantation of live microbial dietary supplements in the gastrointestinal tract, selectively stimulating development and/or triggering the metabolism of one or a small number of health-promoting bacteria, thus increasing host welfare" As of 2018, work into this definition remains tentative, with no high-quality clinical testing confirmation that these effects occur. Journal of Probiotics & Health is among the best peer-reviewed publications that are scientifically distinguished by probiotics & health, analysis of the health effects of microflora, and its function in disease prevention, dairy products, and fermentation method. Reports presented in this peer-reviewed journal are fully reviewed by two or more relevant sector reviewers. It deals mainly with aging, neural mechanism, probiotics, prebiotics, dietary component, synbiotics, host immune system, and food chemistry. Synbiotics, a mixture of probiotics and prebiotics is often used to enhance the nutritional effects of formulations for children. Reported literature suggested that continued probiotic administration resulted in initial probiotic colonization but at 10-12 days a few viable probiotics could be recovery in stools. Furthermore, due to the introduction of a preterm formula enriched with prebiotics, permanent colonization of bifidobacteria in infants with low birth weight was noted and remained stable at variance with foreign administered probiotics.

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Citations : 11

Applied Food Science Journal received 11 citations as per Google Scholar report
