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Beyza Karadede Unal
Izmi Katip Celebi University, Turkey
ScientificTracks Abstracts: Dentist Case Rep
Statement of the Problem: In the millennium age, stereophotogrammetry of the face, mouth scanning and cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) of the teeth and the image of the teeth, jaw and face can be examined in 3D. This has enabled us to understand the incomprehensible and measure the unmeasurable. The purpose of this study is to examine malpositions in terms of skeletal, dental, soft tissue and respiratory aspects and to indicate their differences with other anomalies at necessary points. Methodology & Theoretical Orientation: This study evaluated Class 1, 2 and 3 malpositions in three dimensions with CBCT, stereophotogrammetry and mouth scanning. Findings: Class 1 anomalies may show values close to Class 2 and Class 3 anomalies. It has been reported that class 2 individuals have higher mesiodistal and buccolingual tooth dimensions than class 1 and 3. Morphologically, it is observed that there is a connection between the mandible and maxilla volumes in skeletal class 2 malposition. When skeletal anomalies were compared both maxilla and mandible volumes are greater in Class 2 and 3 short face type than long face type. In studies evaluating the mesiodistal dimensions of the teeth, statistically significant differences were found in patients with Class III malocclusion. Soft tissue growth and development of patients with Class 1, Class 2 and Class 3 malposition show significant differences compared to other skeletal anomalies. Conclusion & Significance: It has also been reported that there is a significant relationship between the sagittal position of the jaws and face types and the position of the hyoid bone and the pharyngeal airway. Mastering the morphological features of Class 1, 2 and 3 anomalies is very important to create an accurate treatment plan and prediction. 3D technology enables us to do this. Recent publications 1. Karadede B, Dellaloğlu D. ‘’Farklı Malokluzyonlara Sahip Bireylerin Mesiodistal Diş Boyutlarının Dijital Analizi.’’ MasterThesis, August 2018. 2. Karadede B. “Farklı Iskeletsel Yüz Tiplerine Sahip Bireylerin Maksilla ve Mandibula Hacimlerinin Konik Işınlı Bilgisayarlı Tomografi Yöntemi Ile Incenmesi.” DoctoralThesis, August 06, 2018. 3. Karadede Mİ, Coşkun R. ‘’ Baş Pozisyonunun Yüz Yumuşak Dokuları Üzerine Etkisinin Stereofotogrametri ile Değerlendirilmesi.’’ MasterThesis, Juny 2018.
Beyza Karadede Unal has two PhD about Orthodontics and Histology-Embryology. In 2016, she continued part of her academic and clinical education in the Maxillafacial department at St. George's University Hospital and Kingston Hospital. During this period, she increased her experience in dentofacial deformities and orthognathic surgery. She transfers her clinical experience and knowledge gained during her academic career in her domestic and international experiences to her students. She supervised 3 PhD students and 6 specialist training students and still refers 3 PhD students. Dr. Dr. Karadede Unal, who has many peer-reviewed publications, has original, rational, systematic, objective, open to criticism and consistent working principles. Karadede Unal's works include 18 national, international refereed articles, 44 oral and poster presentations, chapter authorship in 1 international book, chapter authorship in 4 national books, editorship in 1 national book, speaker in 13 meetings, participant in more than 50 congresses and course programs.