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Yuki Kamada
Saga University, Japan
Posters & Accepted Abstracts: J Nursing Research and Practice
Objective: This was a basic research aiming to develop a self-evaluation scale of outreach activity implementation by multidisciplinary teams for persons with mental health concerns and examine the scale’s reliability and validity.
Method: Based on the interview with professionals having experience of concept analysis of outreach activities for persons with mental health concerns and operational experiences of outreach support for them, we devised a draft of a scale with 25 items. As the first step to verifying its reliability and validity, we conducted a questionnaire survey with the professionals having the experiences of operational outreach activities with persons with mental health concerns. For this study, we obtained approval from the ethical committee of the university to which the representative of this study belongs (Approval No. 29-86).
Result: The subjects were 4 males and 11 females, with an average age of 43.3±0.724 years and outreach experience of 7.3±6.47 years. Through principal component analysis, 5 factors were extracted. The cumulative contribution ratio was 84.34%, and the coefficient of the whole Cronbach’s alpha was 0.963 (pâÂ?º0.05).
Discussion: The 25 items of the draft scale were found to have one-dimensional property as an item group for a self-evaluated scale of outreach implementation with persons with mental health concerns, along with internal consistency among the items of the whole scale items. We will carry out a nationwide survey to examine its reliability and validity further.
Yuki Kamada is a Master of Science Nursing student at Saga University Graduate School of Medical Science, JPN. She has experienced nursing for Mentally disabled and dementia in the community and hospital and has expertise in Mental Health Care. She challenges to improve the quality of Community Mental Health Outreach Service.