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Daniel J Guerra
Washington State University, USA
Posters & Accepted Abstracts: J Neurol Clin Neurosci
Biological phenomena involve the a priori synthesis of a Reception and Signal Transduction Cascade Network (RSTCN). This pattern of cohering event appears as energetic and mass dynamics; much like chemical bonds. The Dialectical interactions between environment and inheritance event occurs as trigonal planar axis ontology via stochastic epigenetic re-tailoring of a biological communication system using the immunological domain. This is a well-established immuno-epi-transcriptomic and lipidomic tailoring of neural, endocrine, digestive, cardiovascular, adipose, muscle and metabolic response to the micro and macro-environment through classical constitutive-surveillance and acquired- effector cellular and humoral defense mechanisms using reversible covalent modification and hydrophobic interactions of nucleic acids, carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids. A synthesis of these phenomena toward a central molecular theory for free-will drive/agency-based existing individual adaptation and assimilation that better explains the core event ontology of individual CNS development and decline, at the molecular level, would obtain a sharper grasp of the biochemical/physiological processes that become chronically compromised upon processing of perceived threatening experiential and existential phenomena. The neuropsychiatric event ontology is explicitly mediated via epigenetic modification of membrane associated signaling including synaptic neurobiochemical transmission and downstream action potential reinforcement. A thorough analysis followed by synthesis of the research literature driven by the faculties of the mind including instantiating ideation and knowledge-ordered conceptualization will be employed to apprehend this theory. Recent publications 1. Appiasie D, Guerra DJ, Tanguay K, Jelinek S, Guerra DD, Sen R. “Multiomics” Approaches to Understand and Treat COVID-19: Mass Spectrometry and Next-Generation Sequencing. BioChem. 2021; 1(3):210-237. 2. Damian D.Guerra, Daniel J.Guerra. Mask mandate and use efficacy for COVID-19 containment in US States. International Research Journal of Public Health, 2021; 5:55. DOI: 10.28933/irjph-2021-08-1005 3. Guerra, Daniel J. 2018 The Molecular Diaeventology of Anxiety Disorders. In: Anxiety Disorders - From Childhood to Adulthood, ISBN 978- 953-51-6712-9.InTech Open Access.