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RN Ying-Yu,LIU
National Taiwan University Hospital , Taipei City, Taiwan
Posters & Accepted Abstracts: J Nurs Res Pract
Statement of the Problem: This study aimed to describe the nursing experience of treating a 68-year-old male patient who was suffering from weakness in the right limbs due to a sudden intracerebral haemorrhage and consequently lost his ability to perform daily life functions. The patient failed to attain the rehabilitation effect that he desired, and subsequently experienced negative emotions, emotionally unexpressive, and unwilling to cooperate with his rehabilitation therapy. Methods: The author applied Miller's seven sources of power, Braga&Cruz Powerlessness Assessment Tool (PAT), and conducted physical assessments, observations, and family discussions in order to collect data. It was revealed that the patient was suffering from problems such as physical activity dysfunction, lack of self-care ability, and powerlessness. Results: With the help of physiotherapists and occupational therapists, the appropriate nursing care measures were implemented to help to alleviate the patient's negative emotions and powerlessness, and to motivate the patient to face his disease-related dysfunctions and perform his own rehabilitation in a positive manner. Thus, he was able to improve his self-care ability, quality of life, and make physical and mental adaptations. Conclusions: The author was focused on physical care but lack of experience in the psychological aspects of nursing care that prevented the timely implementation of appropriate nursing measures. Suggested that on-the-job education and knowledge sharing sessions of psychological care could be conducted regularly, so as to enhance the nursing staff`s ability to detect a patient`s psychological problems and assist him or her.
The nurse experienced in the neurosurgery and rehabilitation ward. She has her expertise in clinical nursing of neurosurgery and passion in helping patient to improve their quality for life. She also is a part of quality control circle of the ward to strive to better the quality of nursing care. Her case report has passed the Taiwan Nursing Association and participated in the 27th International Conference on Health Promoting Hospitals and Health Services post publication 2019.