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Advanced Oral Surgery Institute, Spain
Posters & Accepted Abstracts: Dentist Case Rep
The interest in ceramic implants has been renewed as an important and wide research goal. Nowadays, certain advanced ceramic materials make it possible to combine the versatility of titanium-based implantology and the biological benefits of traditional ceramic-based implants. These disruptive materials expand the boundaries of conventional ceramics in terms of mechanical properties, material engineering, surface topography, biological integration, aesthetics, microbial adhesion and longterm success of dental implants. The goal of this lecture is to provide an overview of the technical progressions in advanced ceramics for dental implantology and the preclinical and clinical evaluation of new ceramic dental implants designed to provide modern implantology. Specifically, new ceria-stabilised zirconia and alumina (Ce-TZP/Al) shows superior fracture toughness than other ceramic materials and exhibits semi-plastic deformation (ceramic ductility), a key factor in modern implant design. Based on the features of this new advanced ceramic, the InPerio® Implant System overcomes the gap between the versatility of cutting-edge titanium implants and the biological advantages of ceramics. Clinically speaking, InPerio® is suitable for immediate loading protocols and direct screwing to the implant with primary stability, even in extremely compromised cases. Prosthetically, InPerio® has a multiunit connection that allows the use of straight or dynamic screws and rotatory or anti-rotational systems for multiple and single restorations (respectively) and allows for a complete digital work-flow.