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Airway breathing orthodontics


March 02-03, 2020 | Edinburgh, Scotland

Masaru Iwatsuki

TOYU Dental Clinic, Japan

ScientificTracks Abstracts: Dentistry Case Report

Abstract :

Now it is clear that dentists need to play an important role in managing airway development and craniofacial formation. The size and shape of the upper air way is determined by the growth and development of the maxilla and mandible. Especially the growth of the maxilla is depending on the tongue pressure. If the tongue position and shape is not proper, the maxilla can’t get the enough pressure from the tongue. It will cause the underdevelopment of the maxilla. We have to stimulate the growth of the maxilla in many clinical cases.Today I will show you how to evaluate the size and relation of the maxilla and mandible and how to treat the patients who have narrow air way without any surgical assist and show you some clinical cases.

Biography :

Masaru Iwatsuki received his DDS Degree at Nihon University in Japan. He also received Certificate in Pediatric Dentistry at Boston University. He is a visiting professor of Orthodontic Department at Mexico State University.

Google Scholar citation report
Citations : 232

Dentistry: Case Report received 232 citations as per Google Scholar report

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