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Journal of Neurology and Clinical Neuroscience

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Brain imaging in psychiatric patients: Controversy over usefulness and what advances?

4th World Congress on MENTAL HEALTH

May 22-23, 2023 | London, UK

Hajar Andour, R. Bouaanane,R.Saouab, J.Fenni, M.Lahkim

Mohamed V Military Hospital Rabat, Morocco

Posters & Accepted Abstracts: J Neurol Clin Neurosci

Abstract :

Psychiatric disorders are frequent and represent a real health problem increasingly encountered in the modern era. Diagnostic criteria are established for these disorders and listed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual V (DSM-V) (1). However, conventional imaging techniques, mainly Cerebral Computed Tomography and MRI with its morphological sequences, are often insufficient to identify the anomaly. Thus, their major role remains restricted to ruling out a macroscopic organic cause of the psychiatric presentation to allow the initiation of therapy. In light of these data, controversies have arisen regarding the usefulness of neuroimaging in this area (2). Cerebral functional MRI sequences, associated with recent advances made in these fields of research, particularly in physio-pathological mechanisms, currently represent a promising tool for better approaching the microscopic patterns of these diseases.

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Citations : 87

Journal of Neurology and Clinical Neuroscience received 87 citations as per Google Scholar report

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