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Journal of Neurology and Clinical Neuroscience

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Cage fusion or Plate fixation after three level anterior cervical discectomy

Joint Event on 8th International Conference on NEUROLOGICAL DISORDERS, CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM AND STROKE & International Conference on NEUROLOGY AND NEUROSURGERY

December 04-05, Dubai, UAE

Hamdi N Mostafa

Misr University for Science and Technology, Egypt

ScientificTracks Abstracts: J Neurol Clin Neurosci

Abstract :

Cervical disc herniation is commonly treated by Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion (ACDF), if conservative management has failed. Fusion is needed after ACDF as anterior longitudinal ligament will be absent after doing the operation especially if multiple levels are needed. The occurrence of complications as cage subsidence and adjacent segment failure related to length of follow up as they are increasing in percentage is directly proportional to the length of follow up. Fusion is needed after ACDF as anterior longitudinal ligament will be absent after doing the operation especially if multiple levels are needed. Some authors prefer to do fixation with fusion for the previous fact while others proved that fusion may give the same results as fixation with fusion.we analyse the results for patients underwent 3 levels ACDF with cage fusion for short term and long term follow up in multiple centers as visual analog score for neck pain & brachialgia.

Biography :

Hamdi N Mostafa has completed the M.D. Degree of Neurosurgery at 2007 from Cairo University, Egypt. He is the head of Neurosurgical department and chief of the spine unit, Associative professor at Misr University for Science and Technology, Egypt. He has over 40 publications that have been cited over 60 times, and over 80 spoke in different countries.

E-mail: hamdi.nabawy@gmail.com

Google Scholar citation report
Citations : 87

Journal of Neurology and Clinical Neuroscience received 87 citations as per Google Scholar report

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