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Sandra Gordilho
Clinica Elementhare, Brazil
Posters & Accepted Abstracts: Appl Food Sci J
Obesity is a disease that affects all world and cames with a lot of problems: highcolesterol,triglicerideos,depression,anxious,diabetes,acne, heart problems and in most of time you have desnutrition. So obesity it’s not just a body problem,it’s the the incapacity to control the emotions and as result appear the compulsion the craving for sweet and food,behind these situation people are also “eating ” their feelings like fear,anxious and unfullfield wishes.And the drugs doesn’t treat by themselves or make any kind of miracle. The Obesity disease is easy to treat ,the difficult is treat the patient’s mind.The treatment has to be in all ways,like psychology,exercise,nutrition reeducation if it is necessary prescribe some minerals.Ask for test of disbiose, search for anemia, test insulin pos-prandial, insuline resistence and low metabolism,test the colesterol, and vitamin 25OH (D) that we know when it’s low helps to get fat in abdômen ,test lactose intolerance, gluten intolerance, ask for a USG of liver to research if there is esteatosis,test vitamine C, ,test the tyroid hormones serotonin levels and all the metabolism. First of all it’s important to do the body composition,how much fat percentual ? With the result of the IN BODY it is possible to advice a better type of sport activity to them and analyse if the patient is retaining water,how much they need to gain of muscle and how much they need to lose of fat . After doing the consultation ask for a food registration for five days,including weekend,try to find out what he likes,you can do a nutitional education. There is no secret to choose good and healthy food,the problem is the power of bad habbits. Think in your patient as a Whole universe to be treated..