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Journal of Nursing Research and Practice

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Educational needs of palliative care for heart failure patients among cardiovascular nurses

8th International Conference on EURO NURSING & HEALTHCARE

May 04-05, 2023 | Zurich, Switzerland

Miho Matsui

National Defense Medical College, Japan

Posters & Accepted Abstracts: J Nurs Res Prac

Abstract :

The world’s aging population is rapidly increasing and providing palliative care for not only cancer patients but also non-cancer patients such as heart failure and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is essential. Although nurses think it is important to give palliative care to heart failure patients, they also feel difficulty in proving palliative care for those patients. Conducting seminars regarding palliative care for heart failure patients, therefore, is needed to relieve nurses’ difficulty in providing palliative care. This study examined interest in educational contents of palliative care among cardiovascular nurses. Method: A survey using a questionnaire was conducted, the survey items included demographics and interesting educational contents of palliative care. Findings: The nurses responded that most interesting educational content was non-pain physical symptom management and next were decision-making, advance care planning, mental symptom management, and pain management. Compared to these contents, they were less interested in grief care, spiritual care, team care, and family care. Conclusion & Significance: Heart failure patients have various physical symptoms such as dyspnea and edema, and the nurses in this study showed educational needs regarding symptom management including pain and mental symptoms. These results suggest that palliative care seminar such as symptom management especially physical symptoms is needed for cardiovascular nurses to enhance palliative care practice. Recent publications 1. Matsui M (2022) Nurses' symptom management and views on death and caring for heart failure and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Int J Palliat Nurs 28:214-221. 2. Matsui M, Capezuti E (2014) Differences in perceived autonomy among American and Japanese older adults. J Gerontol Nurs 40:36-44. 3. Matsui M, Kanai E, Kitagawa A, Hattori K (2013) Care managers' views on death and caring for older cancer patients in Japan. Int J Palliat Nurs 19:606-11

Biography :

Miho Matsui is a professor in the division of nursing at National Defense Medical College, Japan. Her major is gerontological nursing, and research interest is palliative and end-of-life care for non-cancer patient.

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Citations : 50

Journal of Nursing Research and Practice received 50 citations as per Google Scholar report

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