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Kalinijabo Yves
University of Rwanda, Rwanda
Posters & Accepted Abstracts: J Molecular Cancer
Background and Objectives: Breast cancer is a growing crisis in the developing world. With a majority of breast cancer deaths occurring in the low income countries including Rwanda. The objective of this analytical study is to assess the epidemiology and clinical features of breast cancer in Rwanda.
Methods: Data were collected from August 2015 to January 2017 by considering information recorded from Out Patients Department (OPD), surgery and laboratory log books and from the archives of patients tested and diagnosed with breast cancer from three referral hospitals. Microsoft Excel and Statistical Packages for Social Sciences (SPSS 19.0) have been used for data entry and analysis.
Results: Brest cancer incidence rate frequency from August 2015 to January 2017 was 33.33% per semester. Amid the diagnosed breast cancer cases in that period, 97.04% of all cases arise in female whereas 2.87% arise in male. The most frequent breast cancer type was invasive ductal carcinoma with 80.43% and the least common were mucinous carcinoma and infiltrating medullary carcinoma with 1.08% for each. According to the age, both male and female between 51 and 60 years old are more likely to be affected with a frequency of 31.73%.
Discussion and Conclusion: Breast cancer frequency is increasing, because patients do not go for diagnosis and the few patients who go for it, are late and breast cancer is already advanced. Therefore we recommend to increase the awareness of breast cancer but also further researches to find affordable ways of breast cancer detection at early stages, for example we have started a research on rapid tests for breast cancer detection.