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Journal of Endocrine Disorders & Surgery

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Ethnobotanical and ethnotherapeutic investigations on plant species used in the treatment of T2D in Guinean traditional medicine

28th International Conference on Diabetes and Endocrinology

November 29-30, 2019 | Frankfurt, Germany

F Bah, E S Balde, M S Traore, A O Balde, N M Balde, T O Keita, D Dioubate, A Camara, A D Doumbouya, A L Minthe,M A Diallo, F M Camara, L Diallo and A M Balde

Institut de Recherche et de Developpement des Plantes Medicinales et Alimentaires de Guinee, Guinee

Posters & Accepted Abstracts: J Mol & Cel Endocrinology

Abstract :

As in other sub-Saharan Africa countries, the majority of Guinean population depend on traditional and herbal medicines, for their healthcare needs. Although traditional medicine knowledge have been passed on orally among traditional health practioners for many generations, concern has been often raised about the effectiveness and security of their remedies. Aiming to improve the health conditions of the populations through a rational use of the Guinean Pharmacopea and Traditional Medicine, an ethnobotanical Investigation, an ethnobotanical Investigation conducted in the middle and coastal lowlands of Guinea made it possible to contact 198 traditional healers, 108 herbalists and 397 diabetic patients. An inventory of 188 identified plant species belonging to 55 botanical families was made.

Based on their quotation over healers, herbalists and consumers, based also on their distribution, longtime use, 8 plant species were selected viz Englerina lecardii, Combretum glutinosum, Ficus glumosa, Jatropha gossypifolia, Anacardium occidentale, Hymenocardia acida, Bauhinia thonningii, Spathodea campanulata. When subjected to ethnotherapeutic evaluation on volunteer patients for a period of 2 to 6 months, slight, modest and significant declines in fasting blood sugar were recorded, depending on the species. The lowest blood sugar (2.14 from the baseline to 1.15 g/L at the end of treatment) were recorded with patients treated with he extract of « Sattagas ». Upon consideration of these results, Guinean medicinal plant species may constitute a source of new bioactive molecules for the management of type2 diabetes.

Biography :

E-mail: bmaliou2002@yahoo.fr

Google Scholar citation report
Citations : 143

Journal of Endocrine Disorders & Surgery received 143 citations as per Google Scholar report
