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Psychiatry and Mental Health Research

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Family/school centered problem-solving training program and wellbeing of children with special needs

Webinar of 3rd World Congress on Mental Health & 8th International Conference on Brain Disorders and Therapeutics

February 03, 2022 | Webinar

Keivan Kakabaraee

Kermanshah Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kermanshah, Iran

Posters & Accepted Abstracts: J Psychiatry & Mental Health Research

Abstract :

Statement of the Problem: When thinking about promoting children's subjective well-being, one can focus on both the school and the family. The family and school is the place where a person begins and forms a life in which, on the basis of this, empowerment of parents is regarded as important through new psychological, cognitive-behavioral approaches. This assumption by the presence of child with special needs in the family doubles the need of training for parenting. This study aims to introduce a family-centered problem-solving training program with emphasis on child with special needs. This study aims to introduce a family-centered problem-solving training program with emphasis on people with special needs. In this regard, firstly, how to prepare a familycentered problem-solving training program that integrates my programs, I can solve my problem, and the Thoughtful child/ teenager, then study the experimental research that has been designed using this intervention method. The empirical evidence suggests that the family-centered problem-solving family has a positive impact on family-oriented children with special needs. In this regard, has been considered the need for attention to the families of child with special needs and their empowerment through the problem-solving program. The objectives and content of the training program The family-centered problem solving was described According to the empirical evidence provided by the author, a family-centered problem-solving educational program can provide practical skills for children with special needs, and their parents and teachers, through adopting a problem-solving child-rearing style and educational, can improve the psychological well-being and quality of life themselves and their children.

Google Scholar citation report
Citations : 200

Psychiatry and Mental Health Research received 200 citations as per Google Scholar report
