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Journal of Neurology and Clinical Neuroscience

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Health Care Alphabet, Palliative Care vs Hospice Care, Bereavement, and Post Traumatic Growth

Webinar on 7th International Conference on Neuroscience and Neurological Disorders

March 18-19, 2022 | Webinar

Virginia Lee

Founder of Aging Life Care Professional and Care Management LLC, USA

Keynote: J Neurol Clin Neurosci

Abstract :

Health Care Alphabet Health Care Proxy, Living will, Do Not Resuscitate, Do Not Intubate, Do Not Hospitalize, Medical Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment, and Physician Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment. Definition of Hospice Care is continuum care for terminal illness and families through interdisciplinary professionals and families. Palliative Care is specialized care for people with the illness. Having the Conversation with loved ones: Hospice Team, Setting up the interview, Perception, Invitation, Knowledge, and Empathetic Responses (SPIKE), Hospice Eligibility, When to consider hospice? Quality Measures to ease suffering, Family dynamics at end of care, Pain is a fifth vital sign and Dementia Care. What’s Bereavement? Definition of grief and complicated grief. What happens during the mourning process? Theresa Rando’s 6 “R”s” of Grieving. 1. Recognize the loss. 2. React to the separation 3. Recollect and re-experience the deceased. 4. Relinquish old attachments to the deceased and old associations.5 Readjust to the new world without forgetting the old. 6 Reinvest. The Concept of Loss (Theresa Rando, Ph.D.) 2 Categories of Loss: Physical and Psychosocial/Symbolic Personal Impact of Grief: Physical Reactions, Behavioral Reactions, Cognitive Reactions, Emotional Reactions, Spiritual/ Philosophical reactions. Complicated Grief. It can be complicated by other factors. Complicated Grief/clues. Six R’s failure of this process. It’s recognized as Specified Trauma and Stressor Related Disorder F43.8 Persistent Complex Bereavement Disorder in DSM-5. Complex Bereavement 10 to 12% Experience unresolved Grief that lead to long term health issues (Prigerson et al, 2009). What are the risk factors that lead to complex bereavement? Traumatic Grief which is a condition in which both unresolved grief and PTSD symptoms are present often accompanied by depressive symptoms as well”( Cohen, Mannarino and Deblinger, 2006) Post Traumatic Growth: Finding meaning and practices that support healing. Dr Kenneth Doka has identified four functions of ritual that may help in a variety of situations: Rituals of Continuity, Rituals of Transition, Rituals of Affirmation, and Rituals of Intensification. What are Rituals to Commemorate? Emotional Regulation and Distress Tolerance, Worst things to Say, Best Things to Say. Finally, the presentation health care professionals will examine their practice implications when working palliative care/hospice care in the community, hospital, long-term care settings, palliative care, and behavioral health settings. Personal and Professional challenges. Professional Resources will be provided. Brief Summary Abstract: An increased understanding of legal instruments for patients and families. Reviewing hospice care and palliative care. Discussion of bereavement care, Theresa Rando’s 6 R, complicated grief, traumatic grief, complex grief, post-traumatic grief, finding meanings, and Dr Kenneth Doka’s four functions of ritual. Following the NASW professional standards for ethical practice.

Biography :

Virginia Lee has been a Social Worker for 25 years+. Her work has primarily focused on aging, medical social work, and behavioral health. She is a Bilingual Behavioral Health Clinician with CHE Health’s Behavior Services. Virginia Lee owns Aging Life Care Professional and Care Management LLC. Virginia has publications with the Connecticut National Association of Social Workers; Journal of Depression and Anxiety titled Mental Health Disorders during Covid19, Prolonged Grief Disorder and practicing Self-compassion during Post-Traumatic Growth and Covid 19 impacts Mental Health; International Journal School Cognitive Psychology titled Palliative Care and Hospice. Virginia has committed her life to engage others and helping them become the best version of themselves. Virginia has been awarded the prestigious Albert Nelson Marquis Lifetime Achievement Award. She is blessed with good health, family and instilled in passing good fortunes on to others.

Google Scholar citation report
Citations : 87

Journal of Neurology and Clinical Neuroscience received 87 citations as per Google Scholar report

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