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Cloe Couturier
CranioSacralQigong, USA
ScientificTracks Abstracts: Curr Res Integr Med
The power of the mind over matter has been well accepted as truth and used in many different contexts. “The mind drives the mass”, said the poet Virgil in 19 B.C. What we practice with medical Qigong is, “Yi leads the Qi” which is ‘the mind leads the energy’. For the training of the mind to be accurate and in coherence in its leading, conducting and driving the Qi, the consciousness must navigate along proper pathways. In this workshop we will discover the very basic rules of posture and their value to your health and wellness. The consequence of a bad posture would be misalignment. This misalignment generates a series of events which turn to symptoms and then can move to successive degenerative processes. As osteopaths, we understand well how structure and function are interrelated and how misalignments will also affect the functions of the person’s body and good health potential. Pain is the first signal, as well as reduce flexibility. This affects the ease of motion and the balance and equilibrium. Restrictions can then constrict root nerves, which will affect the function of organs at any level, such as affecting breathing or digestion and can create ripple effects creating an adaptive mode with related compensations. These adaptations and compensations then lessen the potency of the neuromuscular system. It would be like turning down the faucets of potency at their roots. The reciprocity is then lessened, and we are witnessing a progressive degenerative process, which leads to replacements of joints and a deescalate of the power of a mighty structure. It is like the structure comes back to be a mass without the driving force to move it. It has the inherent wiring, but it has lost its vitality, its energy, its Qi. With CranioSacral Qigong practice, we are leading the consciousness along proper inherent pathways and with repetition, “Gong”, the Qi, gets to circulate properly the way it meant to. We don’t learn that in school, we should. I was blessed to receive this information and embody it and I will teach you how in this workshop.
Cloe Couturier is a European certified Osteopath, CranioSacral therapy Diplomat, Medical Qigong Doctor. She graduated from the College of Medical Qigong, Henan University of Traditional Medicine, the International Institute of Medical Qigong. She is licensed by the People's Republic of China's Ministry of Health as a Doctor of Medical Qigong therapy. She is a Certified advanced medical Qigong instructor (NQA.Org) at Beijing Western District Medical Qigong Science and T.C.M. Research Institute and is Nationally Certified as an EHP-C, energy healing practitioner in the clinical Qigong division. (NCCOEP.Org). Dr. John Upledger D.O. personally invited Couturier in 1995 to work next to him as a clinician. She therefore had the greatest privilege of knowing very well, working, evolving in many dimensions, and co-learning closely with Dr. John Upledger, in his prime and till the end of his life. She has been in practice in Palm Beach County for 27 years. She is the first developer of CranioSacralQigong®, and the author of “CranioSacralQigong, Pathways of Consciousness Power” which is in process.