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Journal of Neurology and Clinical Neuroscience

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Interdisciplinary review on 6 concepts relevant to unconscious social interaction

Joint Event on 8th International Conference on NEUROLOGICAL DISORDERS, CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM AND STROKE & International Conference on NEUROLOGY AND NEUROSURGERY

December 04-05, Dubai, UAE

Igor Val Danilov

Marconi International University, Italy

Posters & Accepted Abstracts: J Neurol Clin Neurosci

Abstract :

Any phenomenon from everyday life that is routine and mundane for all of us, if it exists, then it should be visible from and can manifest itself through different studies. Thus, the observation of various studies from different social sciences has been chosen to find evidence of unconscious mental collaboration between individuals. The aim of this review is to substantiate our assumption that unconscious social interaction occurs through two ways: perceptual unconscious interaction and nonperceptual social interaction, justifying it, by analyzing findings through studies on 6 well-known concepts: Theory of Mind (ToM), Visuospatial Perspective taking (VSP), Implicit memory, Unconscious thinking, Interpersonal perception, and Socialization. The chosen methodology was to highlight the manifestations of non-perceptual social interaction in the studies that were selected in connection with the following restrictions: A focus on group or interpersonal collaboration; reduced cultural influence, which was realized by choosing studies of fetuses and infants; absence or minimal amount of verbal and non-verbal communication between participants; the ability to contrast the collective results with the individual results under the same conditions. Concluding reflections on the findings authors suppose that thinking is socially mediated and that it depends on a collaboration with the environment, which is partly unconscious and even probably non-perceptual. The review introduces the new concept of non-perceptual social interaction, developing knowledge about social interaction, which is a fundamental set of tools in the formation of social reality.

Biography :

Igor Val Danilov is working in Marconi International University. He has done many research work in the field of Neuroscience.

E-mail: igor_val.danilov@acci.center

Google Scholar citation report
Citations : 87

Journal of Neurology and Clinical Neuroscience received 87 citations as per Google Scholar report

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