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Mobina Jamali and Naser Alimohamadloo
Ministry of education, Iran Islamic Azad University, Iran
Posters & Accepted Abstracts: Microbiol Biotechnol Rep
To investigate the effect of Glomus etonicatum and air pollutants and acidic rain on growth parameters of maize plants (Zea mays L.), a completely randomized experiment with ten replications was conducted from February 2016 to April 2017. Experimental treatments included four categories containing the plants treated by mycorrhiza fungus irrigation by acidic rains and control water with (PH=7), and witnessing plants irrigation by acidic rain and control water. Results from analysis of variance revealed that the effect of mycorrhizal inoculation on chlorophyll, protein and carotenoid content of leaves, plant height, leaf dry wt, leaf fresh wt, root fresh wt, fruit number and leaf number and surface, were significant (p<0.05). Mycorrhizal inoculation enhanced all parameters significantly in comparison to the witnessing plants and the highest value for these traits obtained by the plants inoculated with mycorrhiza irrigation by control water and the least obtained in witnessing plants irrigation by acidic rain water. Furthermore, the research revealed that the amount of these parameters in plants inoculated with mycorrhiza irrigation by acidic rain, is significantly more than witnessing plants irrigation by control water. In general, inoculation by mycorrhizal fungi in addition to enhancing growth parameters can enhance the photosynthesis and production of oxygen in maize even under acidic rain circumstances and air polluted environments, compared to non-mycorrhizal plants in regular circumstances