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Journal of Neurology and Clinical Neuroscience

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Kinesiotape - The duct tape of 2023


June 29-30, 2023 | London, UK

Dennis Shavelson

The Foot Centering Institute, USA

Posters & Accepted Abstracts: J Neurol Clin Neurosci

Abstract :

Statement of the Problem: Kinesiotape is fast replacing all other tapes in usefulness therapeutically for strapping. The Therapeutic use of Kinesiology is in its infancy. There is a dearth of peer reviewed literature and few if any evidence informed mentors exist to establish a scientific algorithm for researching and clinically applying the tape. Kinesiology Tape was invented in the 80’s but only the tip of the iceberg has been exposed when it comes to understanding its properties and uses. Pain and swelling reduction, improved performance decompression of tissues, increased flexibility and improved circulation have been shown to happen when kinesiology tape is applied to any area, in any fashion, with any level of stretch. This presentation, for the first time, is going to list and explain the most common therapeutic properties of Kinesiology Tape. It will also define and explain how these properties can be managed by a taping professional in order to be applied differently in stretch, shape, anatomical location and clinical need on a case-to-case basis. All kinesiology tape is spun white and then color dyed for aesthetic and placebo effect. This means that with rare exceptions (darker and lighter pigments), any piece of kinesiology tape of the same size and thickness when applied with the same stretch will has the same therapeutic value. For educational and demonstration advantage, I have invented a color-coding system, The Dr Shav Kinesiology Tape Color Coded System. When demonstrating or illustrating a strapping, each color of tape will have its own purpose, stretch and clinical use that will be consistent for that color. That way, when you see a strapping that is color coding, you can apply any color of tape with that color’s properties allowing reproducibility, research ability and necessitating special training of the professional taper. This presentation will include didactics of The Dr Shav Kinesiology Tape Color Coding System and examples of strappings solving various problems scientifically. Since other kinesiotape taping experts are using random colors with random cuts or shapes or sizes of strips of tape with random stretch and getting results, this color-coding system over time will provide more organization and expose more and more uses for this Duct Tape 0f 2023, Kinesiology Tape.

Google Scholar citation report
Citations : 87

Journal of Neurology and Clinical Neuroscience received 87 citations as per Google Scholar report

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