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Florent Pirot
Independent researcher, France
ScientificTracks Abstracts: J Neurol Clin Neurosci
Hospitals may buy magnets that could be used to accelerate the excretion of alpha emitting nanoparticulates through e.g. later syringue taking through the blood vessels, or urinating. This strategy will foster the healing of neurological impairments together with natural walking activities and possibly other forms of reeducation. The combination of that strategy with the transfer of the excretates in a Triga-like subcritical nuclear power system will have added benefits. Magnetic particles will not produce similar effects. The body’s natural flow should never be counterveined. Magnet power should be set low at the beginning (except for emergencies) and be increased gradually. This could possibly also be used for ischemic accidents in the brain in direct intervention by emergency services. Soviet physiotherapists actively used magnetic fields to restore a patient after surgery. Such therapy could help accelerate blood flow in the needed places, positively affect blot clotting and blood vesssels. Also, such devices were used in the treactment of varicose veins, swelling in the legs. it is clear that in the late Soviet Union after the 1986 Chernobyl accident an early version was attempted in combination with amputation of the area in which the alpha emitters were accumulated for final plutogenization with the flesh as moderator to feed the Polious space missile (that detonated in its take off). Positively affect blood clotting: indeed as this Soviet system pushed the alpha emitters in blood clots. For later amputation.
Florent Pirot is a multidisciplinary researcher with Einstein Syndrome and specialties in geophysics, nuclear physics, astrophysics as well as biology and health. He got his graduate in economics and political sciences (Sciences Po Lille, College of Europe and CAPES in economics and sociology).