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Sharfi Ahmed
Omdurman Islamic University, Sudan
ScientificTracks Abstracts: Surg Case Rep
Background: Inhalation of foreign bodies (FBs) is a common problem in Sudanese children. Its incidence has not changed significantly but the safety of removal has improved dramatically. Methodology: This is a Prospective study conducted Sudan , using rigid bronchoscopy in Sudanese children who had inhaled foreign bodies (FBs). Result: A total of 50 bronchoscopies was performed: 28 cases (56%) were below 2 years of age;15 cases(30%) were between 2-5 years ;and 7 cases (14%) were over 5 years of age . In 29 cases (58%) the foreign bodies inhalations (F.Bs) were rounded smooth plastic objects (soksokah) and in 9 cases (18%) were rounded smooth metallic(Jolah) and most of the FBs were found in children under 5 years of age. Most of the FBs (82.7%) were radioactive showing clear X-ray findings. Most of the bronchoscopy (80%) was done as an elective procedure. All the FBs were successfully removed (100%). Overall the mortality was 0%. Conclusion: This new technique (Sharfi’s technique) is effective, safe, has no complication and is time preserving for removal of this kind of inhaled foreign bodies. It was started by introducing the rigid bronchoscope and identifying the F.B and focusing the hole of the F.B , the forceps was inserted in the channel of the rigid bronchoscope then directly and its tip inserted into the hole of the F.B. After the tip (leavers) of the forceps had passed completely through the hole, the forceps tip then will be opened and pulled out together with the F.B and the bronchoscope. Keywords: Foreign bodies inhalation (FBs), Bronchoscopy, Rigid bronchoscopy. Recent Publications 1. Yagi-H.F.B in the tracheobronchial tree in Sudanese patients:J-R-Coll-Surg-Edinb-1997;42(4);235-7. 2. Elmustafa O M.Bronchial F.B in Sudanese children. Arab Board of medical specializations J. (1999); 21-3. 3. Alan DM, Eileen MM, laurenDM. F.B of the airway and esophagus Cumming paediatric otolaryngology. 1999; 24/06/1424- 02/11. 4. Evans J.N.G. F.B in larynx and trachea; Scott. Brown Pediatric otolaryngology.v6.(1999/25/1-11.6
Sharfi Ahmed, Faculty of medicine and health sciences, omdurman islamic university, Sudan.