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Journal of Clinical Psychiatry and Neuroscience

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Mental Health Matters !! But the word has long way to go

5th World Congress on Psychiatry & Mental Health Nursing

January 25, 2022 | Webinar

Brendan Vaudequin

Alpha Zulu - United Nations Advocates

ScientificTracks Abstracts: J Clin Psychiatr Neurosci

Abstract :

The action plan is organized around a vision, goals, cross-cutting principles, universal access, human rights, evidence-based practice, life-course, and multi-sectoral approach, followed by a set of indicators and targets to be achieved in 40 years. Ife vision of the Plan is ambitious a world i n which, (through football I) a universal standard of quality checked fundamental s of a Psychological Atlas Program is valued and promoted. Subsequently, mental health awareness transcends any cultural stigmas and prevents disorders, in which persons affected by these disorders are able to access culturally appropriate heal th and social interventions. Youth within the various developmental phases of football (Grassroots Predevelopment Development) have a close loop quality managed system that will aid in directing future evidence-based practice within performance. It posi1ions the necessity for more longitudinal research to better understand the many facets of psychological interventions and monitoring within football not merely at a mental health position but performance-based outcomes as well. The Plan relies on a number of cross-cutting principles. universal access and coverage, human rights, evidence-based practice, life course approach and a The focused key objectives will be methodical and determined ay an International Panel of Experts, leading in the field, both academic and practitioner alike. The Plan will include a set of achievable targets to measure global progress in its implementation. Countries are expected to develop their own national target within a needs assessment, thus aligning with global targets which will aid in the design of a The data will be collected ted and published at a national level. Governed under the various nations within their respective confederations on a core set of indica tors and will be cross-examined for an international case study that will benchmark a Psychologic al Atlas programme by 2032. Some comparisons across time will possible on a global, regional and national level which will dictate where future evidence-based research and direction will lead. However, the m am objective is to have a fundamental structure at all levels of football In youth development having access to core as psychological awareness.

Google Scholar citation report
Citations : 60

Journal of Clinical Psychiatry and Neuroscience received 60 citations as per Google Scholar report
