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Emma O'Loughlin
University College Dublin, Ireland
Posters & Accepted Abstracts: J Neurol Clin Neurosci
The United Nations Convention on the rights of persons with disabilities states that a person with a disability must be given reasonable accommodation to maintain employment legally. It is against the law not to provide this accommodation. Still, unfortunately, a lot of employers will not provide this accommodation, and many governments turn a blind eye and offer little support to employers to fulfil their duties to employees with disabilities. Awareness needs to be made in the workplace and the public domain, as a mild learning disability is an invisible disability. People diagnosed with a mild learning disability have a below-average general intellectual function. The disability manifests in a slow maturation rate, reduced learning capacity, and insufficient social adjustment. People with mild learning disabilities may also experience delayed conceptual development difficulties in articulating ideas and feelings in words. They have a limited ability to abstract and generalise content, limited attention span, and poor retention abilities. Students may also experience difficulties with reading and writing and poorly comprehend mathematical concepts. A person with MGLD is likely to struggle with the content, process, and presentation of their work on an ongoing basis (NCSE,2022). Firstly, people must be aware they must be kind and patient with people with mild learning disabilities. They may need instructions to be repeated a few times. More time will be required to process information, and instruction must be short and precise to enable the person to understand and retain the information. Grammarly is a brilliant app to help correct spelling and grammar mistakes a person with a mild learning disability typically makes. Easy read is an app that will read a text out loud on the computer to aid understanding of the text to the person. This app also proves to be very beneficial for prove reading one's work to identify errors one has made. Reference 1. Mild General Learning Disability. National Council for Special Education. Mild General Learning Disabilities | National Council for Special Education - CPD and In-School Support (sess., i.e.)