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Sumeyye BARUT
Fırat University, Turkey
ScientificTracks Abstracts: Gen surg: Open Access
Birth is a wonderful experience for a woman. However, since the outcome of labor is unpredictable, it can cause anxiety and stress in some women, causing fear of childbirth. It is known that fear of childbirth has many negative consequences in terms of pregnancy, baby, family and economy. A high level of fear of childbirth causes women to avoid pregnancy, induced abortions, depression, sleep problems during pregnancy, prolongation of labor, use of induction in labor, interventional deliveries and an increase in the number of cesarean sections. For these reasons, it is important to evaluate interventions for fear of childbirth. In this review, our aim is to evaluate the Motivational Interviews, which is a psychotherapeutic method that has started to be used for fear of birth. Recent findings: Motivational interviews are useful in revealing behavior change by making the individual aware of conflicting emotions. The purpose of motivational interviews is to increase self-confidence by motivating the individual. Motivational interviews have been reported to be effective in different areas such as substance abuse, obesity, and continuity of contraception. Recently, it has been used to reduce the fear of childbirth, traumatic birth perception and cesarean delivery rates. Although there are very few studies in the literature, it has been reported that it is highly effective and recommended because it can be applied in a short time. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists/ACOG stated that motivational interview focusing on the behavior of the pregnant is an appropriate method in reducing fear of birth and cesarean delivery rates. It is the duty of health personnel to motivate individuals to make behavioral changes in protecting and promoting the health of individuals. On the other hand, there are some studies that suggest that motivational interviews are an effective method, but that it is difficult to implement in a short time. Conclusion & Significance: For these reasons, it can be said that motivational interviews are recommended to be applied in pregnant women to reduce fear of birth and increase self-efficacy, but there is a need for more studies on the subject because there are question marks about the ease of application.
Sümeyye BARUT has a Lecturer in midwifery from Fırat University. She is working as a fulltime lecturer at midwifery department in Fırat University Faculty of Health Sciences.