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Kadri Koop, Mare Tupits, Siret Piirsalu
Tallinn Health Care College, Estonia
ScientificTracks Abstracts: J Nurs Res Prac
Statement of the Problem: One of the biggest problems in the health care system is the lack of health care workers, especially nurses (1). An adequate number of nurses would reduce errors caused by overload and increase patient satisfaction (2). Returning nurses add value to the hospital unit, and they also bring experiential knowledge to patient situations (3). The training "Nurses back to healthcare" makes it possible to bring nurses who are currently not working in the profession back to Estonian healthcare (4,5). The purpose of this study is to describe the nurses` experiences of passing the training "Nurses back to healthcare" and returning to professional work. Methodology: The research is qualitative, empirical, and descriptive. The research subjects were nurses (n=17) who completed the "Nurses back to healthcare" training. A semi-structured interview was used to collect the research data, and an inductive content analysis was used to analyze the data. Findings: Nurses' experiences related to the completion of the "Nurses back to healthcare" training included experiences related to starting the studies, the theoretical and practical learning, and the perceived support. Nurses' experiences with returning to professional work included experiences related to finding a job, the first job after training, and the current job. Experiences related to personal readiness were also described. Conclusion & Significance: The respondents pointed out factors supporting the studies and gave recommendations for future training and improvement of practical learning. Supporting factors in finding a job were considered important, and agerelated aspects were also mentioned. Most of the respondents brought out that the program was informative, and the practical part was important for returning to work. However, some of them said that the theoretical part was too large, they would have liked more practice. Overall, the interviewees were satisfied with the program and the decision to participate. Nurses`experiences of completing the training "Nurses back to health care" Experiences related to starting the studies Experiences related to learning Experiences related to practice Experiences related to support Nurses' experiences of returning to professional work Experiences related to finding a job Experiences related to the first job after training Experience related to current job Experiences related to personal preparedness when returning to work Recent publications 1. Themas, A., Aksen, M., Vahaste-Pruul, S., Themas, E. ja Varblane, U. (2015). Healthcare workers` reasons for leaving. Tartu: University of Tartu. 2. Haddad, L.M., Annamaraju, P.,Toney-Butler, T.J. (2020). Nursing Shortage. StatPearls Publishing LLC. 3. Kent, L.N., (2015). For love or money: registered nurses who return to hospital practice. Journal of Nursing Management, 23(5), 599–603. DOI: 10.1111/jonm.12185
Kadri Kööp has worked as a lecturer in the Chair of Nursing at Tallinn Health Care College since 2012. She is the head of „The Nurse's Individual and Professional Development” module. In 2016, she graduated from the University of Tartu, The Faculty of Medicine, with a master’s degree in Health Sciences, specializing in Nursing Pedagogy. The topic of her master’s thesis was „Patients` Experiences and Needs with regard to Lifestyle Counseling in Family Health Centers “. Since 2015, she has been coordinating the "Nurses back to healthcare" project in cooperation with the Estonian Ministry of Social Affairs. From 2021, she is the responsible executor of the applied research "Nurses' experiences of completing the training "Nurses back to healthcare" and returning to professional work". Her research and teaching areas are primary health care, children's health, lifestyle counseling, and individual and professional development of nurses.