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Journal of Neurology and Clinical Neuroscience

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Prognostic indicators & factors influencing Neurological Recovery following Traumatic Spinal Cord Injuries


October 16-17, 2019 | Rome, Italy

Wagih El Masri

Keele University, UK,

RJAH Hospital, UK

Keynote: J Neurol Clin Neurosci

Abstract :

Early prediction of ambulation is important to the patient especially during the early stages following injury. Neurological recovery is not uncommon following Spinal Cord damage and is predictable. Neurological recovery does not entirely depend on the method of management of the Spinal Injury. The positive and negative prognostic indicators of neurological recovery, its extent and the factors that enhance it, prevent it or cause neurological deterioration in patients with complete and incomplete cord damage will be discussed. I will demonstrate that the management of the multi-system physiological impairment and malfunction is as important as the management of the injured Spine is an optimum recovery is to be expected.

Biography :

Wagih El Masri is currently Hon. Clinical Professor of Spinal Injuries (SI), Keele University has trained between 1971 & 1983 in the Oxford Group of Hospitals, Guys & Stoke Mandeville Hospitals and the USA. Obtained the first accreditation in Spinal Injuries and General Surgery in 1982. Appointed as a Consultant Surgeon in Spinal Injuries at the Midland Centre for Spinal Injuries in 1983. He personally treated and provided ongoing total care at all stages following injury to about 10,000 patients with SI. He published over 140 manuscripts. He is the author of the concepts of “Physiological Instability of the Spinal Cord”, “Time related Biomechanical Instability”, “Hypothesis of Micro-instability of the Injured Spine” and the largest series of Bladder Cancer in SCI patients. He is Past President of International Spinal Cord Society and Past Chairman of British Association of Spinal Cord Injury Specialists. He won many National and International awards. He is Founder Member and Trustee of SPIRIT a charity for education and training of Doctors & Health Care Professionals in the Principles and Practice of Management of Spinal Cord Injured Basis. He is Founder Member and Trustee of TransHouse now (Ethos) a charity that offers Transitional Housing from the hospital to the community and a Trustee of the Institute of Orthopaedic of the RJAH Hospital.

E-mail: bellstonehse@btinternet.com

Google Scholar citation report
Citations : 87

Journal of Neurology and Clinical Neuroscience received 87 citations as per Google Scholar report

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