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Recent concepts of periodontal diseases and new periodontal classification


March 02-03, 2020 | Edinburgh, Scotland

Ossama A AlKhatib, Samar M F Saati and Delia O Alkhatib

Alarak Specialized Dental Center, KSA
Modern Dental Polyclinics, KSA
King Abdulaziz University, KSA

ScientificTracks Abstracts: Dentistry Case Report

Abstract :

The concept of periodontal diseases has been becoming more clearness and understanding, and recently all efforts spent to put a new periodontal classification which will give us a different view about same periodontal diseases we faced before. The pathophysiology and progression of periodontal disease has been more explanted, for that the periodontal treatment appears to be more complicated because of many risk factors are responsible locally and systemically. The periodontal treatment is given to the patient should be supported by extended recalls of periodontal maintenance care and should be consider the variability of complex factors which cause periodontal disease.

Biography :

Ossama Alkhatib had graduated in 1985 from Dental School-Damascus University, and started periodontal specialization after finishing Diploma in 1988, Master in 1993, he has completed his PhD in Periodontology at the age of 44 years from Damascus University and postdoctoral studies Board from Syria, External doctor at Dental School, Marqwatte University, WI, USA (1993), he is member of AAP (1277), he was the academic director of periodontology, Assisting. Prof. at Al-Arabiya Dental College in Jeddah–KSA. He has published more than 10 papers in different journals and has been working at Alarak specialized dental center in Jeddah, KSA.

Google Scholar citation report
Citations : 232

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