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Journal of Neurology and Clinical Neuroscience

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Spinal benign tumors treated By full endoscopy interlaminar approach

6th International Conference on Neuroscience and Neurological Disorders

November 04-05, 2019 | Prague, Czech Republic

Márcio Robertti Ramalho Da Cunha

Freie Universitat, Germany

Posters & Accepted Abstracts: J Neurol Clin Neurosci

Abstract :

Percutaneous endoscopic technique has been used to treat disk herniation and spinal stenosis, so far we have very few reports to treat benign spinal tumors treated by this minimally invasive treatment. We would like to present some cases of lumbar benign spinal tumors removed by full endoscopic approach. We´ve described 04 cases of benign lumbar spinal tumors, that were treated by full endoscopy in a period of two years. The patients had no major neurological signals, only back pain associated or not with radicular symptoms. The M.R.I demonstrated small lesions in the lumbar field measuring from 1,0cm to 4,0cm. We've performed all the procedures with a single skin incision less than 08mm, placing the working canula between the interlaminar bone window, according to the level related to the lesion, making a enlargement under assistance of diamond burr to expose the ligamentum flavum from the base to the tip of the ascending facet to make a good exposition of the surgical area. After opening the ligamentous flavum, the tumors were totally removed piecemeal under endoscopic guidance. The procedures lasted less than three hours with no support in intensive care unit and the pathological examination confirmed : 01 case of angiolipoma, 02 cases of Schwannoma and one case of neurinoma. All the patients had a hospital discharge less than twelve hours after the surgical procedure with complete relief of neurological symptoms and using minor pain killer to control the back pain. After one week he could return to his work under the support of physiotherapy rehabilitation. Even though we don´t have so much papers about this surgical practice, we think that is a feasible treatment bringing all the benefits of the minimally invasive approach pointed in many papers. Of course is necessary to develop more proper endoscopic tools to accelerate the surgical time.

Biography :

E-mail: maramalho65@gmail.com

Google Scholar citation report
Citations : 87

Journal of Neurology and Clinical Neuroscience received 87 citations as per Google Scholar report

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