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Journal of Modern and Applied Physics

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Stereolithographic Additive Manufacturing of Photonic Crystal with Dielectric Patterns for Electromagnetic Wave Modulation

3rd International Conference on Physics

February 18-19, 2022 | Webinar

Yoritaka Iwata

Kansai University, Japan

ScientificTracks Abstracts: Jour of Mode & App Phy

Abstract :

Neutrino is known to be a candidate of the Majorana particle. Neutrinoless double beta decay (Fig. 1) is a weak process which takes place only when neutrinos can be identified with anti-neutrinos. In this sense the observation of neutrinoless double beta decay is to confirm the Majorana property of neutrinos. Neutrinos are usually considered to be left-handed in the standard model (SM) of elementary particle physics, while anti-neutrinos to be right-handed. If neutrinos are actually Mojorana particles, there should be a mixing or replacement between left-handed and right-handed particles. In this context left-right symmetric model [1] suggests that there are three additional mechanisms of weak boson exchanges to the standard mechanism (WL-WL exchange) exchanging left handed weak bosons; indeed, the λ mechanism (WL-WR exchange), η mechanism (WLWR mixing), and heavy neutrino exchange mechanism (WR-WR exchange). The study of neutrinoless double beta decay is carried out for evaluating the Majorana neutrinomass, quantitatively clarifying the lepton number violation, and showing the Majorana property of neutrinos.Although the neutrinoless double beta decay has been well studied with respect to the standard mechanism, neutrinoless double beta decay study including the right-handed weak boson has been started only several years ago. In this paper much attention is paid to the calculation of nuclear matrix elements of the neutrinoless double beta with respect to the standard mechanism, λ mechanism, and η mechanism. The nuclear matrix element plays a role of connecting the neutrino effective mass with the half-life of neutrinoless double beta decay. where Cm, CN, Cλ , Cη , CmN and on are obtained by calculating nuclear matrix elements, ηm, ηN and ηλ and ηη are associated with the effective mass of neutrino, and 𝑇τ€¬΅/τ€¬Άτ€¬΄τ€°” means the half-life. In conclusion the values of nuclear matrix elements of Fermi, Gamow-Teller and tensor types are presented based on interacting shell model calculation (ISM, for short) [4,5]. Bounds on Majorana neutrino mass and lepton number violating parameters are also derived. Here it is remarkable that the neutrinoless double beta decay is a beyondthe- SM process showing the violation of lepton numbers.

Biography :

Yoritaka Iwata is an associate professor at the Faculty of Chemistry, Materials and Bioengineering, Kansai University, Osaka, Japan. He received his B.Eng. from Osaka University, M.Eng. from Osaka University, Ph.D. in mathematics from Osaka University, Japan under the supervision of Professors K. Uosaki and A. Yagi, Ph.D. in physics from The University of Tokyo, Japan under the supervision of Professor T. Otsuka. Dr. Iwata has chaired or co-chaired several internationaworkshops and is serving as a reviewer board member of mathemtics journal ”Axioms”, and a review editor of physics journal “Frontiers in Physics” and “Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences”. His research interest is in functional analysis, operator theory, Numerical analysis, and mathematical physics including soliton theory, quantum physics/information.

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