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Journal of Neurology and Clinical Neuroscience

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The digital revolution and human health

8th International Conference on Neuroscience and Neurological Disorders

September 28, 2022 | Webinar

Erik Matser

Psychologist, the Netherlands

Posters & Accepted Abstracts: J Neurol Clin Neurosci

Abstract :

The world is changing at a dizzying speed. The digital developments to which we are exposed change every second. This has major consequences for public health. New diseases are emerging with huge numbers of people dropping out. For example: myopia in combination with headache in children and complex fatigue syndromes in adults. From the brain sciences one can conclude that neurological systems are totally overstimulated in a far too high number of people. It must be concluded that medical intervention techniques lag behind the tsunami complaints related to fatigue and overstimulation and that analysis of the real cause is necessary for the next step of medicine. We can state that from a neurobiological perspective people can perform qualitatively concentrated for 90 minutes before cognitive rest is needed and that with sufficient training we can walk further than a horse. However, the digital revolution is pushing us into the chair with an overexposure in hours to visual and cognitive stimuli. So we do the exact opposite of what nature made us for. For example: Children have far too little exercise at school and far too little exercise at home, but are exposed to excessive digital exposure in their home and school environment. Moreover, hybrid and office workplaces are often insufficient to create a good alternation between mental and physical effort to stay healthy. The question must be asked: who are we really as a species and what do we need to develop optimally as humans. Without answering this question, we will get stuck in more and more complex - extreme difficult to cure health problems. This is for the young and adults. References 1. Meier, Scott T. Kim, Sunha (2022). Meta-regression analyses of relationships between burnout and depression with sampling and measurement methodological moderators. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, Vol 27(2), 195-206 2. C. Enthoven, J. Tideman, J. Polling, J. Yang-Huang, C. Klaver (2020). The impact of computer use on myopia development in childhood: The Generation R study. Preventive Medicine. Volume 132 3. B. Resnick, J. Belluz, E. Barclay (2019). Is our constant use of digital technologies affecting our brain health? We asked 11 experts. Vox: feb 26.

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Citations : 87

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