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Journal of Neurology and Clinical Neuroscience

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The role of defense mechanism in marital discord and efficacy of analytical prob in intervention

Joint Event on 4th International Conference on Neurology and Healthcare & International Conference on Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology & 3rd World Drug Delivery and Formulations Summit

June 24-25, 2019 | Rome, Italy

Vidya Bhagat

University Sultan Zainal Abidin, Malaysia

Posters & Accepted Abstracts: J Neurol Clin Neurosci

Abstract :

Statement of the Problem: The marital disharmony in a patient couple is caused by socio-economic, emotional and sexual parameters. A person when copes with the complexity of these parameters use various defense mechanisms in managing his anxiety. However, excessive use of which may lead to an unconscious source of psychopathology causing behavioral abnormality. Indeed, Couples suffering from such psychopathology is hardly noticed. The purpose of this study is uncovering the defensive unconscious treads that hold the psychopathology causing disturbances in marriage.

Methodology & Theoretical Orientation: The analytical probe processed by regressing patient’ to the past life and transferring emotional experiences of his or her ego function with significant figures. Analyzing ego dynamism and the defense leading to the pathological aspect of marital discord in the patient couple was assessed in therapeutic interactions. Further, processed with insight orientation to bring emotional wellbeing and freeing patent couple from marital disturbances.

Findings: The female partner in the couple in this study was sexually frigid due to desire disorder was analyzed; insulating her fear emotion and feeling of guilt regarding her discomforts in a sexual parameter which she was not able to communicate. The male partner who had intensive use of introjection throughout the development has a hollow block in his personality structure was inducing disturbances in sexual parameter remained unconscious.

Conclusion & Significance: The intervention process based Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy was evidence-based proven successful in uncovering unconscious tread protected by a defense mechanism. Frequently couple problems caused by defense mechanisms in marital discord remain unspoken in interpersonal relationships. Hence the recommendations are made to clinicians’ alertness in a clinical interview to get a hold on unconscious treads and intervention focusing on unconscious probes in couple patients would promote healthy marriage in couples.

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Citations : 87

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