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Nina Müllerova, Vanda Tomaskova and
Lenka Fiedlerova
University Hospital in Pilsen, Czech Republic
Keynote: J Nurs Res Pract
The quality management policy in the area of pressure ulcer prevention has been set at the University Hospital Pilsen for a long time. Its concept is based on the recommendations of the European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel (EPUAP) and the national strategy of the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic. In this regard, we meet the departmental safety goal at all points - we have established a standard procedure for prevention and treatment of pressure ulcers, a working group of specialized nurses that conducts internal quality audits, analyzes the incidence and prevalence of pressure ulcers, monitors new EPUAP recommendations and puts them into practice. We support the EPUAP world stop day call for pressure ulcers prevention and staff education. Statement of the problem: In the year 2020, which was strongly affected by the Covid 19 pandemic, we saw two major changes. The first change concerned a lower incidence of pressure ulcers, see table no. 1 and the second locality where pressure ulcers originated - on the face due to the placement of patients in the pronation position. Metodologie: We used internal audit of quality with defined criteria for verifying whether the originally set system meets the current conditions and retrospective statistic data analysis. Findings: The assumption that to reduce the number of reported pressure ulcers in HIS (Hospital information systém) due to the extreme workload of nurses has been confirmed. The reporting was also affected by a large number of assisting nurses from other medical fields at Covid + patient wards. Results: Based on the audit data the following measures are proposed: repeated training of nurses in data entry, introduction of e-learning with a test focused on risk and pressure ulcers, training of positioning in pronation position and the use of preventive aids including silicone multi-layered foam dressing
As a general nurse specializing in intensive care, Nina Müllerová worked at the University Hospital Pilsen in various job positions - station nurse, head nurse and head of the quality department. She also worked briefly at the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic as the head of the department of nursing and non-medical professions. She is a longtime member of the Czech Association of Nurses. She lectures at conferences on the topic of nursing or the quality of health care. She is a lecturer in a number of certified courses organized by the University Hospital Pilsen. She participated in solving research projects in the field of continuous improvement of the quality of nursing care, implementation of quality management in the practice of Czech teaching hospitals, support and education of the family in the care of patients over 65 years of age with stroke or training of clinical practice mentors. She was also a coinvestigator of a project of the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic entitled: register of pressure ulcers - unification of monitoring and strategies of preventive interventions at the national level. It is devoted to handling over the information concerning the activities of the European advisory body on pressure ulcers and world stop day to pressure ulcers.