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International Journal of HIV and AIDS Research

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To grow up with an innate or early acquired HIV infection

International Conference on Sexually Transmitted Diseases, AIDS and Parasitic Infections & Parasitology, Infectious Diseases, STDs and STIs

September 21-22, 2017 San Antonio, TX, USA

Lise-Lott Rydstrom

Karolinska Institutet, Sweden

ScientificTracks Abstracts: J HIV AIDS Res

Abstract :

Aim: The aim is to describe how children growing up with an early acquired HIV and their legal guardian�s experiences the life of these children. Today, more than 2.6 million children aged 0-15 years are living with an HIV infection in the world. The majority of these children are infected by mother to child transmission and have a perinatally acquired HIV. As a result of better and more accessible treatment children are expected to become adults and live a long life. Data concerning living with perinatally acquired HIV or being a legal guardian of a child with perinatally acquired HIV is scarce. A nationwide study on children growing up with an early acquired HIV and their legal guardian�s in Sweden indicates that these children do well related to health related quality of life and HIV related stigma. Studies have also shown that legal guardians rate their children�s health related quality of life and HIV related stigma relatively consistent. However, disclosure is one issue where children�s and legal guardian�s expectations are diverge.

Google Scholar citation report
Citations : 4

International Journal of HIV and AIDS Research received 4 citations as per Google Scholar report
