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International Journal of HIV and AIDS Research

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Women suffering from HIV in Ghana, Africa

International Conference on Sexually Transmitted Diseases, AIDS and Parasitic Infections & Parasitology, Infectious Diseases, STDs and STIs

September 21-22, 2017 San Antonio, TX, USA

Issah Abdulai

University of Ghana, Ghana

ScientificTracks Abstracts: J HIV AIDS Res

Abstract :

HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) is a sexually transmitted infection which interferes with one�s body�s ability to fight the organisms that cause disease. HIV has been named global epidemic with its toll being felt significantly in Africa. It has been a major cause of death in the world. It also continues to be a public health concern. It poses a risk to future generations with villages being wiped out due to its impacts. The most effected generation being the most active age group leaving the elderly and aged to look after the young. Widows and orphans have been a major occurrence in many villages and they struggle to survive the impacts of HIV. Statistics have proved that Africa has been the most affected with the situation being aggravated by the poverty levels in the continent. Symptoms that are common among women are yeast infections, pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), menstrual changes, genital ulcers, warts or herpes and psychological symptoms. Evidence available suggests that HIV treatment works well for women unless they are pregnant. In this presentation, I will share the knowledge and ideas with other students and scholars around the world in order to help reduce HIV to undetectable and harmless levels permanently and provide cure for the deadly disease.

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Citations : 4

International Journal of HIV and AIDS Research received 4 citations as per Google Scholar report
