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Pulsus Journal of Surgical Research

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Pulsus Journal of Surgical Research is an International peer-review journal that accepts studies in all surgery disciplines and is part of a group of Pulsus journals:
  • Speedy publication timeline (available In-Press within 30 days of acceptance of publication)
  • 5,000 paper copies distributed to physicians and researchers interested in surgical researches
  • Studies undergo comprehensive peer-review and, if accepted, are expertly edited
Author may submit their manuscripts through the journal's online submission and tracking system which is located at https://www.pulsus.com/submissions/pulsus-surgical-research.html. or mail to the editorial office at publisher@pulsus.com  

Publication Charges: Authors are required to pay an Article Processing fee of $1819 USD per manuscript. The payment has to be done after the complete peer review process.




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Citations : 45

Pulsus Journal of Surgical Research received 45 citations as per Google Scholar report

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