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Applied Food Science Journal

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Rajeshwar S Matche Head FPT CSIR-CFTRI*
CSIR-Central Food Technological Research Institute, Mysore, India, Email: rsmatche@cftri.res.in
*Correspondence: Rajeshwar S Matche, CSIR-Central Food Technological Research Institute, Head and Senior Principal Scientist, Food Packaging Technology, Professor, Academy of Scientific and Innovative Research, Mysore 570020, India, Tel: 9448925466, Email: rsmatche@cftri.res.in

Received: 11-Sep-2017 Accepted Date: Sep 12, 2017; Published: 19-Sep-2017

Citation: Matche RS. About applied food science journal. Appl Food Sci J. 2017;1(1):2.

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Food Science can be described as the scientific approach to create and maintain a steady and continuous food supply. Food science is the investigation in interdisciplinary science of the chemical, physical, and biological characteristics of food; and the concepts underlying food processing; the causes of food deterioration [1]. Food scientists, research scholars, and technologists apply scientific disciplines to study the characteristics underlying the food to improve the wholesomeness, nutrition, safety and availability of food. Depending on their area of specialization, food scientists may develop various technologies to package, process, preserve and store the food according to the industrial and government specifications and regulations.

With the evolved society and modern lifestyle, our food system has also evolved over centuries into a global system of the immense size and high complexity [2]. With fewer farmers feeding a drastically increased world’s population, food must be properly preserved and packaged for consumption for a long time and often at a distant location. Food scientists are involved in all aspects of this process, from farm to fork, food consumption. This includes developing new technology and improved functional foods, analyzing food for its safety and nutritional value, and developing advanced ways for food preservation [3].

The food science and technology professionals and scientists are way more committed to advance the food science development, ensuring a safe and abundant food supply, and contributing to healthier people everywhere are integral to that evolution. Food scientists and technologists are accomplished, skilled, interdisciplinary and synergistic practitioners in a profession at the crossroads of scientific and technological developments [4]. As the food system has drastically evolved along with the modern lifestyle, from fresh foods consumption to the food preservation as of today, most people are ignorant about their food consumption, and they are unfamiliar with agricultural production and food manufacturing designed for better food safety and quality.

The Food Scientist and technology helps supply this gratuity by applying an ample range of scientific and technological knowledge to maintain a good quality, sufficient food supply to every individual. Food Science allows us to make the best use of our resources and minimize the food waste. Most of the food ingredients are of biological origin. The behavior of these food ingredients during the process of harvesting, processing, distribution, storage and preparation is a convoluted issue. Complete perception of all the crucial aspects of the problem requires extensive groundwork.

I am happy to note that Pulsus Group, United Kingdom is coming out with Applied Food Science Journal, a scholarly periodical that provides a platform to publish peer-reviewed scientific research based on updated scientific revelations about multiple aspects of food science, food biotechnology, food processing and engineering, food nutrition, genetically engineered food, packaging developments of foods and microbial food safety.

The broad scope and main aim of this Food Science Journal are to publish current, high-quality and original scientific manuscripts alongside relevant and insightful reviews. As such, the journal aspires to be vibrant, engaging and accessible and at the same time integrative and challenging also to beset the research developments as well as practical constraints in the advent and application of novel methods and tools related to food science, food biotechnology, food processing and engineering, food nutrition, genetically engineered food, packaging developments of foods and microbial food safety.

As the Editorial Board member of the journal, I am delighted to see the researchers and investigators approaching new technologies and start a new movement in the field of the applied food science helping every individual on this planet to get access to the convenient, safe and easy to use technologies, products. Every research manuscript received will be given a fair consideration and be processed professionally and promptly.

“Food commonly eaten for more than 150 years should be innocent until proven guilty, and food invented in the last 150 years is guilty until proven innocent.”

‒ Miles Hassell MD


Google Scholar citation report
Citations : 11

Applied Food Science Journal received 11 citations as per Google Scholar report
