Acknowledge to Journal of Child Psychology
Received: 01-Jul-2021 Accepted Date: Jul 20, 2021; Published: 28-Jul-2021
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Prime Focus
I am pleased to introduce the “Journal of Child Psychology”. The journal is an online, open access and peer-reviewed international journal that is committed for expeditious publication of articles that draw a compass of the themes related to child psychology, cognitive development, mental disorders and developmental milestones in children. The journal publishes bi-monthly, as it gives a substantial platform to the researches, scientists to share, discuss and explore to the innovatory ideas, developments in regard of the Child Psychology. Also, the journal aims to publish high quality papers which includes original research or brief communications, comprehensive or mini-review articles that reflects new insights on psychology of children.
Psychology is the study of the human mind and its wide-ranging functions and influences. Psychological research advances our understanding of human emotion, personality, intelligence, memory, perception, cognition, attention, and motivation, as well as the biological processes that drive these human functions and behaviors.
The normal and healthy development of children is crucial for the future generations to thrive on earth. The behaviour adapted during childhood and circumstances in which the child grows affect the psychological growth of child. Child Psychology focuses on the mind and behavior of children from prenatal development through adolescence on how children grow physically, but with their mental, emotional, and social development as well.
Journal of Child Psychology deals with the issues and challenges related to Toddlerhood, Child-hood, Adolescence, Intellectual & Mental Development, Sexual Development, Thinking & Reasoning, Attention & Interest, and Parenting.
The main objective of the Journal is to provide an original information round the globe. Here we publish all types of the Researches that are specifically related to Child Psychology, such that the author can easily publish any form of his or her research based on his feasibility. The forms of researches that can be published in this Journal are mentioned below;
• Case studies
• Case series
• Original research articles
The published articles are assigned to Digital Objective Identifier (DOI) – CrossRef. All the journal’s published articles are included in the indexing and abstracting coverage of: Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI), EBSCOhost, Free Medical Journals, Geneva Foundation for Medical Education and Research, Google Scholar, Index Copernicus, Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory, CAS.
The journal is engaged and accessible for publishing the articles that are having high quality. Once the manuscript was submitted, the average time between submission and final decision is 21 days and the average time between acceptance and final publication is 14 days. There is a constant support from the Board Members and intellectual indulgence of the readers and contributors i.e., authors and reviewers.
The papers that are being published in this Journal are completely on international basis. The themes that are contributing on Child Psychology are noticed with high standard of research by means of significant reviewing process. Hereby, the International Journal of Child Psychology welcomes the researches, scientists for submission of manuscripts that meet the Journal’s criteria. All the articles are peer-reviewed and will be published very soon after the preliminary quality check, editor and reviewer acceptance.