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Journal of Child Psychology

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Shinichi Hirose
Department of Pediatrics and the Research Center for Molecular Pathomechanisms of Epilepsy, Fukuoka University, Japan, Email: hirose@fukuoka-u.ac

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Conference Series LLC LTD is delighted to invite you to attend the Annual Congress on Perinatology & Child Care which is to be held in Tokyo, Japan during December 07-08, 2020. Perinatology Congress 2020 will be an innovative and invigorating International conference reflecting the direction of Perinatology Congress in the 21st century in a secure yet exciting environment that offers a wide range of diversions to participants of all backgrounds. This conference provides an excellent opportunity to discuss the latest developments within the field.

Perinatology Congress 2020 highlighting the theme “Exploring the Current Challenges in Neonatal and Perinatal Medicine” provides an excellent opportunity to share views, exchange knowledge and establish research collaborations & networking. Perinatology Congress 2020 will focus on the latest and exciting innovations in all areas of research offering a unique opportunity for Neonatologists, Paediatricians and Obstetricians across the globe to meet, network, and perceive new scientific innovations. The concept of this congress and program was developed for Physicians working in Primary and Secondary Care, as well as for specialists in the diverse area of Neonatologists, Obstetrics and Paediatrics. We welcome attendees from a diverse background of Paediatrics, Family Medicine Doctors, General Practitioners, Register nurses, NICU Nurse Professionals, Physician assistants, Researchers and Policy Makers.

The PERINATOLOGY CONGRESS 2020 will be hosting presentations based on

• Neonatologists

• Obstetricians

• Pediatricians

• NICU Nurses

• Neonatal Associations and Societies

• Neonatal & Pediatric Faculty

• Surgeons

• Physicians

• Pediatric Nurses

• Research Scholars

• Pharmacists

• Students

• Nutritionists

Business Entrepreneurs

The distinguished tracks are having a disperse information regarding the new innovations and technologies to treat infectious diseases which will allow the attendees to explore the ideas and issues related to viruses. Broadly eminent speakers, the most recent frameworks, virology, and the most current updates are indications of Perinatology Congress 2020.

The conference is expected to provide great scope for interaction of professionals including speaker presentations, workshops, poster presentations, symposia from around the globe, on a single platform.

Alina Macarius

Program Manager | Perinatology Congress 2020

Send an email to Perinatology@asiameets.com

Phone No.: +44 2037690972

WhatsApp No.:+61731236041

Google Scholar citation report
Citations : 21

Journal of Child Psychology received 21 citations as per Google Scholar report
