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Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics

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Abdelhak Mokhtari*
Department of Mathematics, University of M’sila, Algiers, Algeria, Email: abdelhak.mokhtari@univ-msila.dz
*Correspondence: Abdelhak Mokhtari, Department of Mathematics, University of M’sila, Algiers, Algeria, Email: abdelhak.mokhtari@univ-msila.dz

Received: 21-Dec-2022, Manuscript No. PULJPAM-22-5960; Editor assigned: 23-Dec-2022, Pre QC No. PULJPAM-22-5960 (PQ); Reviewed: 06-Jan-2023 QC No. PULJPAM-22-5960; Revised: 22-Mar-2023, Manuscript No. PULJPAM-22-5960 (R); Published: 30-Mar-2023, DOI: 10.37532/PULJPAM.23.7(3).140

Citation: Mokhtari A. Bifurcation at higher eigenvalues of a class of potential operators and application. J Pure Appl Math 2023;7(3):140.

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We study the existence of a bifurcation branch at the second and higher eigen values of a class of potential operators which possesses the Palais- Smale condition. We will also give an application of our result to a class of semi linear elliptic equations with a critical Sobolev exponent.


Hilbert space; Bifurcation point; Potential operator; Higher eigenvalues; Boundary value problem


In E. Tones the author consider a bifurcation at the principal eigenvalue of a class of gradient operators which possesses the Palais-Smale condition. The existence of the bifurcation branch is verified by using the Palais Smale condition [1,2].

Also the author have modified and proved the following basic bifurcation result by Krasnoselskii for gradient mappings by removing the requirement of complete continuity of ΦJ and weak continuity of Φ.

Theorem 1.1: Assume that Φ: H→R is weakly continuous and uniformly differentiable in a neighbourhood of 0 and assume that T=ΦJ:H→ H is completely continuous. Then, if T is differentiable at 0, every eigenvalue μ*≠0 of the derivative TJ(0) is a bifurcation point for:

T (w)=μw.

We need also the following definition.

Definition 1.2: Let Φ ∈ C1(H,R), and suppose (un) is a sequence in H satisfying Φ(un)→c and Φj(un)→0 in H*. Then (un) is called a Palais-Smale sequence at level c. If every Palais-Smale sequence at level c contains a strongly convergent subsequence, then Φ is said to satisfy the Palais-Smale condition at level c, and denote by (PS)c.

The main result proved in E. Tones is:

Theorem 1.3: Let ΦJ (u) be a linear operator which is the gradient of a C1 functional Φ (u). Let ΦJ have a Fre´chet derivative T at the origin in H, where T is a selfadjoint, completely continuous operator [3,4]. Suppose μ1 is the largest eigenvalue (i.e., λ1=1/μ1 is the smallest positive characteristic value) of T. Suppose that for some ξ>0 the family of functionals:

Iλ (u)=1/2 ǁuǁ2−λΦ(u)

Satisfies the (PS)c condition for λ1 ξ<λ<λ1+ξ and for c ∈ R in a neighbourhood of 0.

Then λ1 is a bifurcation point for ΦJ.

We need also the following result

Theorem 1.4: (Spectral theorem for compact operators).

Let T be a compact, selfadjoint linear operator on a infinite dimension separable Hilbert space H. Then H admits an orthonormal basis (en)n consisting of eigenvectors for T [5,6].

The infinite sequence of basis vectors (en)n can be chosen such that the sequence of corresponding eigenvalues (λn) decreases numerically,

1| ≥ |λ2| ≥,..., |λn| ≥ ... and λn→∞, for n→+∞.

Main result

Our main result in this paper is:

Theorem 2.1: Let ΦJ(u) be a linear operator which is the gradient of a C1 functional Φ(u). Let ΦJ have a Frechet derivative T at the origin in H, where T is a positive selfadjoint, completely continuous operator. Suppose μ2 is the second largest eigenvalue (i.e. λ2=1/μ2 is the second smallest positive characteristic value) of T. suppose that for some ξ>0 the family of functionals:

Iλ (u) = 1/2 ǁuǁ2 − λΦ(u)

Satisfies the (PS)c condition for λ2 ξ<λ<λ2+ξ and for c ∈ R in a neighbourhood of 0.

Then λ2 is a bifurcation point for ΦJ.

Proof. Since T is a positive compact, self-adjoint linear operator, then T admits at least one eigenvalue, namely:

μ1=max{|(Tu, u)|, u ∈ H, ǁuǁ=1}·

Choose a corresponding normalized eigenvector e1∈ H.

Let Q1={e1}⊥ be the orthogonal complement to the 1-dimensional subspace spanned by the vector e1. Being an orthogonal complement, Q1 is a closed subspace of the Hilbert space. For u ∈ Q1, we have the following computation:


Showing that Q1 is invariant under T in the sense that Tu ∈ Q1 if u ∈ Q1. Hence T can be considered as a compact, self-adjoint linear operator on the Hilbert space Q1. Working inside Q1, we then get a second eigenvalue for T,

μ2=max{|(Tu,u)|, u ∈ Q1, ǁuǁ=1}

and a normalized eigenvector e2 ∈ Q1 for μ2. Clearly, μ1 ≥ μ2 and e1⊥e2.

Now, we consider the operator T|Q1: Q1→Q1 and we apply theorem 1.3 for this operator.

We remark that the first eigenvalue of the operator T|Q1 correspond to the second eigenvalue of the operator T defined on H.

Remark 2.2: One can generalize the above result to eigenvalues of higher orders.


We consider the problem presented by E. Tonkes.

Let Ω⊂RN a smooth bounded domain and solutions are sought in the Sobolev

Space H1 0 (Ω), endowed with norm ǁuǁ=(∫Ω |∇u| 2)1\2,

−au=λ(u+|u|2∗−2u), on Ω;

u(x)=0, x ∈ ∂Ω.

Solutions to problem (3.1) correspond to critical points of the functional

Jλ (u)=1/2ǁuǁ2−λ(1/2 ∫ u2−1/2* ∫ |u|2*)

In Tonkes say the functional Jλ satisfies the (PS)c for some condition on the level c by the same steps as in namely obtained the following lemma.

Lemma 3.1: For λ>0, Jλ satisfies the (PS)c condition for c<c*λ=1/N S N/2/ λ(N−2)/2.

The following result states that the principal characteristic value of the linear problem −au=λu), u ∈ H1, is a bifurcation point.

Theorem 3.2: For sufficiently small r>0, there exists a solution (λr, ur) to (3.1) with ǁurǁ=r. One has λr→λ0 a s r→0.

Consider the linear eigenvalue problem

−au(x)=λu(x),x ∈ Ω;

u(x)=0, x ∈ ∂Ω. (3.2)

Theorem 3.3: Equation (3.2) has a sequence of eigenvalues λn such that

0<λ12 ≤ λ3 ≤ ... ≤ λn↑+∞.

Here we use the convention that multiple eigenvalues are repeated according to their multiplicity. The first eigenvalues λ1 is simple and the corresponding Eigen functions do not change sign in Ω. Moreover, λ1 is the only eigenvalue with this property.

We will denote by ϕ1 the Eigen function corresponding Eigen function corresponding to λ1, such that ϕ1(x)>0 and ǁϕ1ǁ=1.

From the above result, we can see that each characteristic value λn of the Dirichlet problem associated to (3.2) forms a bifurcation point for the problem (3.1). By theorem 2.1 and remark 2.2, one can generalize theorem 3.2 to the following.

Theorem 3.4: For sufficiently small r>0, there exists a solution (λr , ur ) to (3.1)

with ǁurǁ=r. One has λr→λn as r→0.


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