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Journal of Phlebology and Lymphology

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Hasan Tüzün* and Eymen Recep
Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, Cerrahpasa Medical School, University of Istanbul-Cerrahpasa, Istanbul, Turkey, Email: hasantuzun@superonline.com
*Correspondence: Hasan Tüzün, Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, Cerrahpasa Medical School, University of Istanbul-Cerrahpasa, Istanbul, Turkey, Tel: 90 212 414 3321, Email: hasantuzun@superonline.com

Received: 19-Mar-2020 Accepted Date: Apr 03, 2020; Published: 10-Apr-2020

Citation: Tuzun H, Recep E. Does size matters for the treatment of varicose veins with cyanoacrylate glue. J Phlebol Lymphol 2020;13(1):8-9.

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Endovenous closure of the saphenous vein with cyanoacrylate glue is a novel therapy with high closure rates. However, in obese patients with enlarged saphenous veins this modality might not be the best therapy option due to early recurrence.

Nonthermal, nontumescent endovenous treatment of varicose veins became possible with the introduction of cyanoacrylate glue with high closure rates and with less discomfort in comparison to other techniques. Diameter of the target vein is always an issue in this type of treatments. During endovenous thermal therapies the usage of high volume of tumescent anesthesia causes collapse of the vein walls getting in contact with the heat source. However, in veins with large diameter in the groin glue volume might not be enough to close the veins.
Herein we present early recurrence in an obese patient who was treated by means of cyanoacrylate glue.

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Citations : 184

Journal of Phlebology and Lymphology received 184 citations as per Google Scholar report
