Dominating Sets and Domination Polynomials of Cubic Paths
Research Scholar, Department of Mathematics Mother Teresa Women's University, Kodaikanal, India
Received: 21-Sep-2022, Manuscript No. PULJPAM-22-5374; Editor assigned: 23-Sep-2022, Pre QC No. PULJPAM-22-22-5374 (PQ); Accepted Date: Oct 04, 2022; Reviewed: 30-Sep-2022 QC No. puljpam-22-5374 (Q); Revised: 02-Oct-2022, Manuscript No. PULJPAM-22-5374 (R); Published: 20-Oct-2022, DOI: 10.37532/2752-8081.22.6(5).32-35.
Citation: Medona A, Christilda S. Dominating Sets and Domination Polynomials of Cubic Paths. J Pure Appl Math 2022;6(5): 24-27
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Let G = (V, E) be a simple graph. A set SV ⊆ is a dominating set of G, if every vertex in V – S is adjacent to at least one vertex in S. Let 3 Pn be the cubic path nP and let ( ) 3 n D P , i denote the family of all dominating sets of 3 Pn with cardinality i. Let ( ) 3, n d P i= | ( ) 3 n D P , i |. In this paper, we obtain a recursive formula for 3 n d(P ,i). Using this recursive formula, we construct the polynomial = = ∑ n 3 3i nn i ni 7 (P ) d(P , D,ixi)x which we call the domination polynomial of Pn3 and obtain some properties of this polynomial.
Domination Set; Domination Number; Domination Polynomials
Mets Let G = (V, E) be a simple graph of order . For any vertex
, the open neighborhood of v is the set
and the closed neighborhood of v is the set
For a set
the open neighborhood of S is
and the closed neighborhood of S is
. A set
dominating set of G, if N [S] = V , or equivalently, every vertex
in V – S is adjacent to atleast one vertex in S. The domination number of
a graph G is defined as the minimum size of a dominating set of vertices in
G and it is denoted by γ (G) . A simple path is a path in which all its internal
vertices have degree two and the end vertices have degree one and is denoted
Definition 1
The power of a graph is a graph with set of vertices of G and an edge
between two vertices if and only if there is a path of length atmost k between
them. It is denoted by
and also called
power of G.
Definition 2
Let D(G, i) be the family of dominating sets of a graph G with cardinality i
and let then the domination polynomial D(G, x) of G
is defined by
Where γ (G) is the domination number of G.
Definition 3
The cube of a graph with the same set of vertices as G and an edge between
two vertices and only if there is path of length atmost 3 between them. The
third power of a graph is also called its cube of G [1, 2].
Let be the cubic of the path Pn (3rd power) with n vertices. Let
be the family of dominating sets of the graph with cardinality i and let
we call the polynomial
Main Results
Let be the family of dominating sets of
with cardinality i. we
investigate the dominating sets of
, we need the following lemma to prove
our main results in this section [3].
Lemma 1
In the proof any vertex i with 4 ≤ i ≤ n – 3 covers i – 1 and i – 3 in the left side and i + 1 and i + 3 in the right side. Similarly any vertex i with 3 ≤ i ≤ n – 2 covers i – 1 and i – 2 in the left side and i+1 and i+2 right side. Therefore, a single vertex covers atmost 7 vertices Figure 1.
Domination Polynomial of
Let be the domination polynomial of a cubic path
. In this section we derive the expression for
Example 1
The graph has one dominating set of cardinality 4, 4 dominating set of cardinality 3, 6 dominating set of cardinality 2, 4 dominating set of cardinality 1.
Therefore its domination polynomial is
If is the family of dominating sets with cardinality i of
We obtain for 1≤ n ≤15 as shown in following table
the number of dominating set of
with cardinality i
In the following theorem we obtain some properties of d (Pn3, i) Figure 2, Table 1.
TABLE 1 In the following theorem we obtain some properties of
i> | 1> | 2> | 3> | 4> | 5> | 6> | 7> | 8> | 9> | 10> | 11> | 12> | 13> | 14> | 15> |
n> | |||||||||||||||
1> | 1> | ||||||||||||||
2> | 2> | 1> | |||||||||||||
3> | 3> | 3> | 1> | ||||||||||||
4> | 4> | 6> | 4> | 1> | |||||||||||
5> | 3> | 10> | 10> | 5> | 1> | ||||||||||
6> | 2> | 13> | 20> | 15> | 6> | 1> | |||||||||
7> | 1> | 15> | 33> | 35> | 21> | 7> | 1> | ||||||||
8> | 0> | 16> | 48> | 68> | 56> | 28> | 8> | 1> | |||||||
9> | 0> | 15> | 64> | 116> | 124> | 84> | 36> | 9> | 1> | ||||||
10> | 0> | 13> | 78> | 180> | 240> | 208> | 120> | 45> | 10> | 1> | |||||
11> | 0> | 10> | 88> | 257> | 420> | 448> | 328> | 165> | 55> | 11> | 1> | ||||
12> | 0> | 6> | 92> | 341> | 676> | 868> | 776> | 433> | 220> | 66> | 12> | 1> | |||
13> | 0> | 3> | 88> | 423> | 1012> | 1543> | 1644> | 1269> | 653> | 286> | 78> | 13> | 1> | ||
14> | 0> | 1> | 78> | 491> | 1420> | 2549> | 3186> | 2913> | 1922> | 939> | 364> | 91> | 14> | 1> | |
15> | 0> | 0> | 64> | 536> | 1876> | 3948> | 5728> | 6098> | 4835> | 2861> | 1303> | 455> | 105> | 15> | 1> |
Theorem 1
The following properties hold for the coefficient of
Now suppose that the result is true for all numbers less than ‘n’ and we prove it for n.
By result 3.2,
∴ The result is true for n = 4.
Now suppose that the result is true for all numbers less than ‘n’ and we prove it for ‘n’
By result 3.2,
Now suppose that the result is true for all numbers less than ‘n’ and we prove it for ‘n’ by result 3.2,
vii) By induction on n
The result is true for n = 6.
Now suppose that the result is true for all numbers less than ‘n’ and we prove it for n.
By result 3.2,
Theorem 2
Proof by induction on n,
Using domination Polynomial, we obtain many interesting properties and theorems. This study can be expanded to other graphs also.
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