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Journal of Environmental Chemistry and Toxicology

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Valentina Lauria*
Researcher, Instituto per l’Ambiente Marino Costiero, IAMC-CNR, Mazara del Vallo, Trapani, Italy, Email: valentina.lauria@iamc.cnr.it
*Correspondence: Valentina Lauria, Researcher, Instituto per l’Ambiente Marino Costiero, IAMC-CNR, Mazara del Vallo, Trapani, Italy, Email: valentina.lauria@iamc.cnr.it

Received: 10-Apr-2020 Accepted Date: Apr 22, 2020; Published: 30-Apr-2020

Citation: Lauria V (2020) Editorial Note: Journal of Environmental Chemistry & Toxicology Open Access. J Environ Chem Toxicol 4:2-3.

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Editorial Note

I am delighted to introduce the Journal of Environmental Chemistry & Toxicology (JECT) is a rapid peer reviewed journal which is a valuable source of information for scholars, researchers, professionals, and students, providing in-depth perspectives on intriguing contemporary topics of AIDS. Built on an ethos of openness, we are passionate about working with the global academic community to promote open scholarly research to the world. Journal will be running its original website https://www.pulsus.com/ journal-environmental-chemistry-toxicology.html parallel for Editorial and review work process so as to maintain its highest standard of scientific work.

The major objective of JECT is to publish up-to-date, high-quality and original research papers alongside relevant and insightful reviews. The Journal aims to flourish and to maintain the standards in Environmental research and practices, providing an excellent platform and opportunity to present evidence based research, reviews, case studies and analytical assessment of research that probably is much in deed for students, professors, aspiring researchers and health care professionals to enhance the patient care.

All published articles of this journal are included in the Indexing and Abstracting coverage of Index Copernicus, Google Scholar, Sherpa Romeo, Publons, Geneva Foundation for Medical Education and Research receiving funding from a funding organization that is included on the list of PMC and Research Funder Policies or authors having NIH grant were submitted to PubMed. I am pleased to announce that, all issues of the 4th Edition were published online well within the time and the print issues were also brought out and dispatched within 30 days of publishing the issue online during the year of 2019.

During the calendar year of 2019, JECT received a total of 5 manuscripts, out of which 2 articles were rejected in the preliminary screening due to plagiarism or being out of the format and peer review process. After the final screening, only 3 articles were selected for publishing. A total of 20 research scientists from all over the world reviewed the articles published in volume 10. Average publication lag time of an article was further reduced to 2-3 weeks.

Association with PULSUS group has increased Readership Metrics (By Google Analytics) of Oral Health and Dental Management Journal which can be accessed at Google Analytics Metrics for the Oral Health and Dental Management.

I take this opportunity to acknowledge the contribution of Editor-in-Chief: Victor Chinomso Ujor (USA), during the final editing of articles published and the support rendered by the editorial assistants who helped in bringing out issues of Alternative & Integrative Medicine in time. I would also like to express my gratitude to all the authors, reviewers, the publisher, the advisory and the editorial board of Journal of Environmental Chemistry & Toxicology, the office bearers for their support in bringing out yet another volume.

Needless to say, any papers that you wish to submit, either individually or collaboratively, are much appreciated and will make a substantial contribution to the early development and success of the journal.

Best wishes and thank you in advance for your contribution to the Journal of Environmental Chemistry & Toxicology.

Google Scholar citation report
Citations : 155

Journal of Environmental Chemistry and Toxicology received 155 citations as per Google Scholar report

Journal of Environmental Chemistry and Toxicology peer review process verified at publons