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Surgery: Case Report

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Deepthi P*
Department of Biotechnology, JNTU University, Hyderabad, India, Email: gzeedan@yahoo.com
*Correspondence: Deepthi P, Department of Biotechnology, JNTU University, Hyderabad, India, Tel: + 9493266256, Email: gzeedan@yahoo.com

Received: 06-Jul-2020 Accepted Date: Jul 23, 2020; Published: 30-Jul-2020

Citation: Deepthi P. Editorial Note-SCR Journal. Surg Case Rep 2020;4:2-5.

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The journal of Surgical: Case Reports is an open-access peer review journal, which gives opportunity to researchers and scientists to explore the advanced and latest research developments in the field of surgery and its related disciplines. The journal publishes different types of case reports, research articles, reviews etc. The journal highlights are gastroenterological surgery, cardiovascular surgery, thoracic surgery, breast and endocrine surgery, paediatric surgery, transplant surgery, and emergency surgery, etc. The journal got established in the year of 2017 and had released around 4 volumes with around 2 issues each, along with which there were several conference proceedings and several special issues were also have been released.

In the recent year the journal had published a conference proceeding which is world congress on Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery which had been scheduled during, 2020 in Edinburgh, Scotland, which had been discussed by Dr. Anas G Al Hariri. The conference is about “Otolaryngology - Surgical Outcomes for Comprehensive Medical Care” to give a dynamic message to its attendees on the surgical impact on Otolaryngology. The conference is targeted on knowledge Seekers like Scientist, Physician, Otologist, Rhinologist, Audiologist, ENT Doctors, Laryngologist, Entrepreneurs, Young Researchers, Students & Delegates, Facial plastic Surgeons, Industrial Professionals, ENT Devices Designers, Head and Neck Surgeons, Health Care Professionals, Pharmaceutical Companies, Paediatric Otolaryngologist, Medical Device Companies, Otorhinolaryngology Societies Otorhinolaryngology Surgeons, Otorhinolaryngology Physicians, Drug Manufacturing Companies, Head and Neck Oncology Society, Professionals of Otorhinolaryngology Research Institutes.

Dr. Anas G Al Hariri had also discussed about market analysis in the Journal of Surgery: Case Reports. The Analysis is related to Ear, nose, throat (ENT) devices which are special equipment used for detection, treatment or surgical procedure of any condition related to the ear, nose or throat. The study is about the complete market analysis of ENT devices which is present in the market trends of ENT devices and industry growth and market demand. These analysed at the regional level to provide a complete market report for the years 2017, 2018, 2019 and the coming years up to 2022. Each market is broadly analysed at a granular level by geography for Ex: North America, Europe, Asia and the Rest of the World to produce in-depth on global development.

We appreciate all the scholars who had contributed in the conferences which had been held throughout the world, and we look forward to the new conferences which will be held in the upcoming years.

Google Scholar citation report
Citations : 72

Surgery: Case Report received 72 citations as per Google Scholar report

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