Evidence of matter of an unknown and dark nature in human bodies
Received: 21-Jan-2024, Manuscript No. puljmap-24-6925; Editor assigned: 23-Jan-2024, Pre QC No. puljmap-24-6925 (PQ); Accepted Date: Feb 06, 2024; Reviewed: 26-Jan-2024 QC No. puljmap-24-6925 (Q); Revised: 01-Feb-2024, Manuscript No. puljmap-24-6925 (R); Published: 15-Feb-2024
Citation: Rizzoli F. Evidence of matter of an unknown and dark nature in human bodies. J Mod Appl Phys. 2023, 7(1):1-2.
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It is hypothesized that human bodies are coated in an unknown and dark substance. The article collects some data on a singular phenomenon that would prove the discovery of unknown and dark matter in human bodies. The data that is brought to support the aforementioned thesis are sounds in the audible range, produced at head level when, in appropriate conditions, the muscles of the head of the author of the work are put under tension. The action of holding the muscles can also stimulate this unknown matter, which reacts elastically for a few moments, interacting with the muscles, after which an audible noise is emitted. This action is carried out by the author of the article on a large part of the head muscles up to the shoulders. In other parts of the body, the substance is perceived occasionally, without any voluntary interaction. The phenomenon can be studied with the scientific method, as it can generally be produced and sound intensity measurements can be carried out.
Key Words
Gymnastics, Catholic theology, Scaffolding, Colonized
At the end of the article, the author shows some data on aphenomenon that occurs when he applies himself to performing a sort of gymnastics that he has been practicing regularly for years. These gymnastics began about thirty years ago, following sensations of pressure on the neck and a sense of muffling in the ears. Precisely at those times, the interactions of the muscles at the base of the neck with this substance began.
At the beginning, it was perceived as a sort of collar, a static thing, but after about ten years, in which the author constantly applied himself to the tension of the muscles, the perception changed radically and what seemed like a sort of scaffolding or plaster cast was perceived as an architecture, with parts that could perform movements and in particular pressure on the head.
Furthermore, the interaction with these structures has moved towards the upper part of the head and the shoulders. This happened very slowly and required many hours of gymnastics practiced for about thirty years.
The action of gymnastics is therefore a sort of reaction or interference to the action of these structures. The doctors consulted regarding this muscular activity did not detect any contraindications but rather the possibility of producing a sort of self-relaxation in this way. This gymnastics is singular and one couldn't even try to teach it because it also remains a mysterious fact.
What idea of the body emerges from becoming aware of what has been introduced?
The body appears to be interconnected with an invisible part that essentially functions like a robot that acts based on instructions and commands it carries out. These liminal perceptions are so strong and profound and perceived in different ways by multiple senses that it is impossible that they could be the result of a malfunctioning of the body, they are indeed proof of an expansion of its perceptions that occurred after about ten years of this gymnastics, so that the whole person has increased his sensitivity to sense perceptions.
Furthermore, what is perceived must be common to all men? It can be inferred that the human being is inextricably connected with a sort of hidden artificial intelligence that is found on the body itself. When it is said that human beings do not use their brain well, perhaps it is because part of it is busy making the invisible robotic part of the human being work.
It is clear that this experience leads to the answer to numerous questions, including one, that of our origins. What is perceived inevitably leads to the belief that human beings are not only the result of natural evolution but also of genetic manipulation.
This thesis is already widely supported by many scholars of ancient Sumerian culture who in the myths they wrote in cuneiform tablets speak of ancient visitors who descended from the heavens who colonized the Earth and made man in their image and likeness. This work could also explain the origin of many diseases that afflict humans, from the trivial ones such as migraines to the more nefarious ones. This consideration is also confirmed in the Sumerian myths which tell how the ancient visitors wanted to make man a fragile, weak and very limited creature, both in capacity and in lifespan.
The knowledge possessed by the creators of the human being must be enormously greater than that in our possession; these beings are also equipped with technologies that are unthinkable for us, given how they were able to manipulate the genetic code, but given the current state of our knowledge, we can certainly begin to understand their technologies and open ourselves to a leap in civilization, as long as this is possible given the inability of mankind to live peacefully. Even the religious culture of the West could find support and confirmation from this thesis. One of the pillars of Catholic theology is the concept of original sin.
The thing has quietly gone out of fashion and no Catholic would be able to defend this content of the tradition that dates back to St. Augustine. He would instead find excellent confirmation from this experience as sin would simply be considered a vulnus of the human being, a sort of wound from the origins that every man inherits from his ancestors.
It would be enough to simply accept the fact that someone who played God was at the origin of the human race and inflicted the condition of decadence on the body, exploiting a creature for purposes to be understood and explored. This experience is relevant to many scientific disciplines, including physics, chemistry, biology, medicine, etc.
Equipment used
The equipment used for data collection is an application on an Android smartphone that measures the sound intensity measured in decibels of the sounds received from the smartphone's microphone. The equipment is called PHYPHOX and was previously calibrated to carry out the measurements.
Description of measurement and measuring method
The data collection occurs in the following way: the interested party is in a sitting position, moves his head and tenses various muscles of the head: those of the neck, those around the jaws and those around the ears, those on the forehead and around the nose.
The mobile phone is placed with the microphone hole at a distance L (0.10 ± 0.05) m from the muscles subjected to tension. To perform measurements with this application, you must select the application's 'Audio Amplitude' function, calibrate the instrument with a known value and then carry out the measurement.
Collected data
The data collected is contained in this screenshot of the mobile phone in which the time in seconds is placed on the x-axis and the sound pressure level in decibels on the y-axis (Fig 1).
The author of the study believes that every peak around or above 50 dB corresponds to a noise emitted by the structure - a dark substance that envelops and penetrates the muscles under tension.
In this measurement, a structure at the base of the nose near the nostrils was stressed. About ten pops were produced in 40 seconds. The value of 35.9 dB is close to the background noise that was present in the room during the measurement.
The work aimed to support the thesis that on human bodies there are structures of unknown and dark matter which can be highlighted by sounds emitted by it.