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Journal of Health Policy and Management

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Chloe Taylor*
Editorial Office, Journal of Health Policy and Management, United Kingdom, Email: editor.jhpm@scholarlymed.com
*Correspondence: Chloe Taylor, Editorial Office, Journal of Health Policy and Management, United Kingdom, Email: editor.jhpm@scholarlymed.com

Received: 05-Nov-2022, Manuscript No. PULHPM-22-5608; Editor assigned: 07-Nov-2022, Pre QC No. PULHPM-22-5608 (PQ); Accepted Date: Nov 26, 2022; Reviewed: 17-Nov-2022 QC No. PULHPM-22-5608 (Q); Revised: 22-Nov-2022, Manuscript No. PULHPM-22-5608 (R); Published: 28-Nov-2022, DOI: 10.37532/ pulhpm.22.5(5).65-67

Citation: Taylor C, Evidence-based public health policy: An overview. J Health Pol Manage. 2022; 5(6):65-67.

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Health status is significantly impacted by public health policy. A concise definition of evidence-based policy and approaches to advance the topic are lacking from the literature. Evidence that is pertinent to policy comprises both quantitative (like epidemiological data) and qualitative data (e.g., narrative accounts). More effective data preparation and communication, better use of currently available analytical tools, policy surveillance, and outcome tracking using various types of evidence are all steps that may be taken to advance evidencebased policy. It has been known for a long time that public health policy, including laws, rules, and guidelines, has a significant impact on health status. For instance, each of the ten greatest public health accomplishments of the 20th century was affected by a policy reform, such as the implementation of seat belt laws or rules limiting acceptable occupational exposures. The creation of health policies is a complicated process that is influenced by several scientific, economic, social, and political factors, much like any other decision-making process in the practice of public health.


Public health; Economic; Communication; Qualitative data; Policy


The policies that are enacted and enforced fall well short of what research indicates to be successful. The term "policy" is frequently used in a broad sense to refer to laws, rules, and court orders as well as administrative directives and financial goals. We discovered 107 model public health laws, covering 16 areas, in a systematic search of "model" public health laws (i.e., a public health law or private policy that is publicly endorsed by at least 1 organization for adoption by government bodies or by specified private businesses). In contrast to the least frequently covered themes, which included hearing, heart disease prevention, public health infrastructure, and rabies control, tobacco control, accident prevention, and school health, had the most model laws. Only 6.5% of the model laws had material from the sponsors demonstrating that the law was founded on scientific data (e.g., research-based guidelines). The most likely way for research to affect how policies are developed is through a prolonged process of interaction and communication. The research-policy interface is complicated in part because of the nature of scientific knowledge, which is frequently enormous, of variable quality, and unavailable to decision-makers.

There are many theories for how research affects policymaking, but the majority of them call for going beyond a straightforward linear model to more subtle and indirect channels of impact, such as progressive "enlightenment." These nonlinear models of policymaking and decision-making take into account the possibility that research evidence may be just as important as-or even more so than-other elements that ultimately shape policy, such as the values of policymakers and competing sources of data, such as anecdotes and firsthand experience. Evidence for policymaking can take many different forms because changing policies requires both science and art. The idea of evidence frequently comes from Western societies' legal systems. Stories, witness reports, police testimony, expert opinions, and forensic science all serve as forms of evidence in the legal system. Both quantitative information (such as epidemiological data) and qualitative data (such as narrative accounts) are crucial for providing evidence that is useful to policy.

There is no guarantee that scientific evidence will be given the same weight as other types of information in "real world" policymaking situations, despite the fact that the utilization of research-derived evidence may be a significant component of most policy models. Scientists and policymakers follow separate hierarchies of evidence, which forces them to exist in what is known as "parallel worlds." In interviews with policymakers, many respondents claimed that they lacked the training necessary to discriminate between reliable and unreliable data, making them vulnerable to the influence of misrepresented "facts" frequently offered by interest groups. Similar to his, McDonough claimed that data were utilized as "rhetorical weapons deployed to support competing beliefs" in state assembly policy debates. Numbers can lose their objective meaning when used in policy discussions because of their strong and pervasive influence.

Data in numerical numbers, also known as quantitative evidence for policymaking, can be found in a variety of places, such as peerreviewed scientific publications, public health monitoring systems, particular program or policy evaluations, and peer-reviewed scientific information. Many people believe that systematic reviews, which compile the findings of primary scientific studies that satisfy specific criteria, are the source of the strongest evidence (i.e., decision rules). Moulton et al. looked through the English-language literature published during the previous five years using information from studies of public health laws. A total of 52 public health legislation were examined in 65 systematic reviews, and of those, 27 were determined to be effective, 23 had inadequate data to determine their efficacy, 1 was harmful, and 1 was found to be ineffective. The fact that systematic reviews take more time and money to complete or that there aren't enough high-quality research on a given topic to use as a basis for a systematic review is one reason why individual studies and assessments are more frequently utilized to support policy than systematic reviews.

In order to provide general direction on policy approaches and strategic knowledge on particular public health challenges, further quantitative data might be gathered from policymakers themselves. For instance, respondents to a study of 292 US state legislators indicated a high preference for brief, simple-to-understand data. In comparison to older policymakers, younger respondents were more inclined to use electronic information. The information that came from impartial sources and those that compared states individually was the most reliable. Policymakers' opinions of lobbyists and lobbying, as well as their attitudes and voting intentions, can all be learned via surveys of policymakers.


Non-numerical observations are collected using techniques like participant observation, group interviews, or focus groups to produce qualitative evidence. By delivering compelling stories with an emotional hook and an intuitive appeal, qualitative evidence can employ the narrative form as a potent tool to influence policy discussions, establish priorities, and suggest policy solutions. This frequently acts as a stepping stone for statistical proof, which in turn delivers the strong persuading impact of the law of large numbers in addition to being very credible and verifiable. Qualitative data, such as the consequences of policy efforts on children and families, has proved convincing and influential in setting the agenda in studies on the impact of evidence on policy to address health inequalities. Incorporating numerical data into an engaging narrative can act as a significant lever in the policy-making process. Studies in the communication sector have compared the persuasive power of storytelling with statistical facts. These have demonstrated that, whereas qualitative evidence by itself frequently has a higher persuasive impact than quantitative evidence by itself, the two categories of evidence together seem to have a stronger persuasive influence than each type of evidence alone.

Governmental policy systems range from totalitarian to democratic in terms of scope and organization. The descriptions of evidence-based policy that we included mostly dealt with metacentric (democratic) governments. The goal of a representative body, whether at the municipal, state, or federal level, is to establish regulations, laws, or ordinances that are then carried out by executive or administrative officials. In contrast to "little p" policies, we concentrated mostly on "big P" policies, such as formal laws, rules, and regulations passed by elected authorities (e.g., organizational guidelines, internal agency decisions or memoranda, social norms guiding behavior).

Determine the factors that result in evidence-based policy. It is possible to separate the "active ingredients" of various policy interventions based on reliable evaluations (i.e., the essential elements that contribute to effectiveness). In order to balance efficacy and population impact, the substance of legislation can be developed based on the essential components that are likely to have the biggest influence on public health. This idea serves as the foundation for model legislation, but even when it does exist, model language sometimes lacks a solid scientific foundation or has not undergone extensive testing. Utilize tools already in place well. Information is easily accessible thanks to a rich and diversified range of tools that help define the substance of evidence-based policy. These underused technologies include simulation modelling, meta-analysis, decision analysis, and cost-effectiveness analysis. The tool's availability alone is frequently insufficient to increase acceptance among potential users; technical support and training are frequently required.

Evidence-based policymaking has primarily advanced gradually. For instance, proponents of tobacco control have long called for complete limitations on access to, and use of, tobacco products. On the other hand, these public policies were created over a long period of time. Smoking was made illegal on domestic flights of less than two hours by the US House of Representatives in 1987; tobacco sales to minors were prohibited by the Synar Amendment, which Congress passed in 1992; the US Food and Drug Administration published a final rule restricting youth access to tobacco products in 1996 (which was later overturned by the US Supreme Court); and over the past 15 years, states and local governments have been enforcing smoking bans.

Create systems for monitoring policy. We require tools in place to assist us track patterns and trends in policies so that we may study the adoption, implementation, and impact of evidence-based policy. The creation of public health policy surveillance systems is in its early stages. For instance, a number of federal and non-profit organizations have created policy surveillance systems for alcohol, tobacco, and, more recently, nutrition and physical education in schools. Rely on a variety of types of evidence to track results. Evidence can take many different forms. In order to avoid reinforcing a "inverse evidence law," which states that interventions most likely to affect entire populations (such as policy change) are least valued in an evidence matrix emphasizing randomized designs, it may be helpful to think of policy evidence in terms of a typology as opposed to a strict hierarchy of study designs. Additionally, triangulated approaches (the aggregation of evidence from various sources to acquire insight into a certain topic, frequently mixing quantitative and qualitative data) can be used to monitor policy outcomes in order to comprehend content and measure progress. Additionally, sources other than the typical public health data sets (such as tax revenue data, polling data, marketing data).


In part because of its long-term impacts and comparatively low cost, policy has had and will continue to have a significant impact on our daily lives and public health indices. Policy change is a major emphasis of many of the public health initiatives now in place. We need to use the best available evidence to improve these programs and advance evidence-based policy. We also need to expand the role of researchers and practitioners to communicate evidence packaged appropriately for different policy audiences. We also need to comprehend and engage all three streams (problem, policy, and politics) to implement an evidence-based policy process. Governments invest a sizable amount of money (approximately $30 billion yearly in the United States) in health-related research with the implicit promise that this expenditure will enhance the general public's health. This improvement will likely go more quickly if the principles of evidence-based policy are applied more effectively.

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Journal of Health Policy and Management received 13 citations as per Google Scholar report
