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Journal of Sexual & Reproductive Medicine
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*Corresponding Author:
Dr Serge Carrier
687 Pine Avenue West, Royal Victoria Hospital S6.92, Montreal, Quebec H3A 1A1
Tel: 514-842-1231 Ext: 34302
E-mail: serge.carrier@mcgill.ca
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As we saw in the previous issue of the Journal of Sexual & Reproductive Medicine, the management and evaluation of the infertile couple have undergone tremendous changes since the first successful in vitro fertilization (IVF) pregnancy 24 years ago. IVF techniques have improved and become more reliable, and these new techniques now allow us to either use a single sperm from the ejaculate semen or to harvest a single sperm directly from the genital tract to inseminate the ovula (ICSI). These techniques give men, for whom it was impossible 10 years ago to induce a pregnancy, the opportunity to have children of their own. This second issue of the Journal that focuses on infertility will allow the reader to better understand the difficulties that a couple who is dealing with infertility has to go through and the importance of the decisions that the couple has to make in order to have a child.

*Corresponding Author:
Dr Serge Carrier
687 Pine Avenue West, Royal Victoria Hospital S6.92, Montreal, Quebec H3A 1A1
Tel: 514-842-1231 Ext: 34302
E-mail: serge.carrier@mcgill.ca

As we saw in the previous issue of the Journal of Sexual & Reproductive Medicine, the management and evaluation of the infertile couple have undergone tremendous changes since the first successful in vitro fertilization (IVF) pregnancy 24 years ago. IVF techniques have improved and become more reliable, and these new techniques now allow us to either use a single sperm from the ejaculate semen or to harvest a single sperm directly from the genital tract to inseminate the ovula (ICSI). These techniques give men, for whom it was impossible 10 years ago to induce a pregnancy, the opportunity to have children of their own. This second issue of the Journal that focuses on infertility will allow the reader to better understand the difficulties that a couple who is dealing with infertility has to go through and the importance of the decisions that the couple has to make in order to have a child.

