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Journal of Phlebology and Lymphology

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Ulf Th.Zierau*
Saphenion Vein Care Centers Berlin/Rostock, Germany, Email: dr.zierau@yahoo.de
*Correspondence: Ulf Th.Zierau, Vascular Surgeon, Phlebologist, Endovascular Specialist Artery, Saphenion Vein Care Centers Berlin/Rostock, Germany, Email: dr.zierau@yahoo.de

Received: 16-May-2020 Accepted Date: Jun 01, 2020; Published: 07-Jun-2020

Citation: Zierau UT. Oxygen therapy in varicose veins: Improvement of the microcirculation in the legs – Casuistic. J Phlebol Lymphol 2020;13(1): 20-22.

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Oxygen therapy for Varicose Veins: Oxygen as an energy carrier - Oxygen therapy for Varicose Veins: All mechanisms in the human organism during growth, its maintenance and its physical and mental activity require energy. This becomes particularly clear to the patient during cardiac work, breathing work in the lungs, skeletal muscles and intellectual work. The pathology of the microcirculation in the capillaries depends largely on the oxygen partial pressure and on the blood pressure in the supplying arteries and the high pressure in the draining veins.

Google Scholar citation report
Citations : 184

Journal of Phlebology and Lymphology received 184 citations as per Google Scholar report
