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Journal of Modern and Applied Physics

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Liu Yajun*
Department of Modern and Applied Physics, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, P.R, China, Email: yajun@scut.edu.cn
*Correspondence: Liu Yajun, Department of Modern and Applied Physics, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, P.R, China, Email: yajun@scut.edu.cn

Received: 12-Jul-2024, Manuscript No. PULJMAP-24-6505; Editor assigned: 15-Jul-2024, Pre QC No. PULJMAP-24-6505 (PQ); Accepted Date: Aug 01, 2024; Reviewed: 30-Jul-2024 QC No. PULJMAP-24-6505 (Q); Revised: 07-Aug-2024, Manuscript No. PULJMAP-24-6505 (R); Published: 10-Aug-2024

Citation: Yajun L. Quantum time-space with energy. J Mod Appl Phys 2023;6(4):1-2.

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In this paper, we constructed a time-space with energy model just considering the velocity of the light c and the plank constant h and 1/ag (ag is the strength of gravitation (m/s2)). This model has a geometry space (complex) and just provide a probability to combine the gravitation and electric-magnetics field under a basic structure of quantum time-space with energy. We hope to throw a little bit light on the big picture of uniting the quantum mechanics and general relative theory.


Quantum time-space; Energy unified field theory; Electricmagnetics field; Gravitation; Time quantization


Time quantization

Time is a basic concept in physics. But till now, we have no idea to use mathematical model to describe the structure of “time”. In Newton’s system, time is an independent existence with space. In Einstein’s system, time and space are bonded together just considering the velocity of light is a Constant C (m/s). And then for a quantum system, we consider the energy is discrete and then the “time contentiousness” disappeared in this system. But it is that the dimension of Plank’s constant h (J.s) is also including the unit of time. So, we think that if we may construct a dimension system of time-space with energy based on two priori conditions: The velocity of light is a Constant C and the unit of energy with time is a constant h, Plank constant. And if we can quantize this time-space with energy system, maybe we can get a mathematical model to describe more physics details of the basic structure of time-space with energy and get a unified field theory (Figure 1).

Figure 1: Time with energy coordinate.

τ can be defined asτ ~ nh n ~ (1,2,3,...) h is Planck constant

t can be defined as t ~ n (c/ag) n~(1,2,3,..)

C as the velocity of Light, and ag is the Intensity of field of gravitation (m/s2). So we got a time with energy coordinate system as Figure 1.

For a physic system, at every moment:


T ~ <h> +<c/ag>

Quantum time space with energy

We will define a time space with energy as:
S0 ~ 1/4 × h ag/c ~1
S1 ~ h × ag/c ~ 1
m0~ h/C2 1/ag ~ h/c


Galilei said that he can creative the universal only using space, time and logarithm. Einstein thanked that a unified field theory should be a geometrization one and Roger Penrose pointed out that if we want to get the uniting of the mass and time-space, we need the help of complex number [1]. The paper discusses that a unified field theory should be a model with Plank constant gravitation and the velocity of Light. Wilczek want to use a concept called quantum time crystals to define the time space with energy [2,3].

In Newton’s system, Time is an independent existence with energy.

S~E × t and F=ma

In Einstein’s system, time and space are bonded together just considering the velocity of light is a constant C (m/s).

S~E × (C/ag) and E=mC2

ag is the strength of gravitation (m/s2)

And for a Quantum system, the energy is considered discrete and then the “Time contentiousness” disappeared in this system. But it is that the Dimension of Plank’s constant h (J.s) is also including the unit of time [4-6].

S~E × t=nh and E=hv

h is Plank constant, we can find that the dimension of Plank’s constant h (J.s) is also including the unit of time.

In our system, we can get


S2n ~ 16n2h × a/c(ag) and m0ag~1/c

In this paper, we constructed a Time-Space with energy model just considering the velocity of the light C and the Plank constant h. Our model gives a definition of quantum time space as

m0 ~ h/C2 ~ 10-50(s-1)
1/ag ~ h/C ~10-42(s2*m-1)
S0 ~ 1/4 × h × (c/ag) ~1
S1 ~h × (c/ag)~1
S2n/S0 ~ 16n2 mT = 16n2h/C2


This model has a geometry space (complex) with entropy form (logarithm), which just provides a probability to combine the gravitation and electricmagnetics field under a basic structure of quantum time-space with energy.

Competing Interests Statement

The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.

Data Availability Statement

No datasets were generated or analyzed during the current study.


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